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IGF 2017 announces juries for Nuovo, Student, and Visual Art awards

The end of the year is drawing nigh, and that means the 2017 Independent Games Festival is about to enter its jurying phase -- the period in which discipline-specific experts play, evaluate and discuss the 650+ games entered in the 2017 Festival Competition, all of which continue to push the boundaries of video game development and design.

As always, a remarkable group of game development notables are evaluating IGF 2017's most promising entries. After first-round IGF judging from hundreds of evaluators, these expert juries will ultimately determine the finalists and winners of the various IGF 2017 awards at the 2017 Game Developers Conference.

In recognition of their service, today we'd like to celebrate those who have volunteered their time and talent to take part in judging the Excellence in Visual Arts Award, the Best Student Game Award, and the Nuovo Award.

Come to GDC 2017 for expert advice on getting the media to cover your game

Getting members of the media to cover your game is harder than ever, which is why organizers of the 2017 Game Developers Conference have lined up a great talk from a video game PR veteran about how to do just that.

ICO Partners' Thomas Reisenegger has done PR for games like League of Legends, Smite, Paladins, and Endless Space 2. In his GDC 2017 talk "Get Journalists to Cover Your Game: Lessons from Online Dating, Praying and 'No Man's Sky'" will deconstruct why why some games get more time in the spotlight while most struggle to get noticed.

What does good media coverage even look like and why do certain stories start spreading automatically? Reisenegger will show you, and share his own 5 "golden rules" on how to get your game covered.

GDC 2017 donates Summit passes to Indie Giving charity

The 2017 Game Developers Conference is just month away, and today organizers are proud to announce that for the fifth year running, 30 GDC Indie Games Summit tickets will be donated to the 2017 Indie Giving initiative in partnership with the Indie Giving charity.

As always, the purpose of this partnership with Indie Giving, which continues to be overseen by FGL chief and indie community veteran Chris Hughes, is to give back to people in need -- and give indie game makers who are generous with their time an opportunity to attend GDC at an affordable rate.

With that in mind, GDC officials have reserved 30 of the sold-out IGS Summit passes for purchase through the Indie Giving package program. To purchase these $329 packages, you must agree to give back to the local community by volunteering to participate in an onsite project before GDC 2017.

Come out to GDC 2017 and get hard-won Early Access tips from a DayZ dev

The schedule for the 2017 Game Developers Conference is coming together nicely, and today organizers are excited to announce a useful talk that will help you prepare for launching for game on Steam's Early Access service.

Bohemia Interactive's Brian Hicks is creative director on the mega-popular DayZ, and in his GDC 2017 talk on "Early Access: Are You Prepared?" he plans to go over the top (and sometimes most painful) lessons learned from DayZ's transition through Early Access.

Covering everything from if Early Access is right for your project, avoiding mistakes that can impact development down the road, and leveraging the rewards players can offer in shaping a better experience, this talk promises to be packed with useful insights. Make time to check it out and you'll likely better understand the risks -- such as tech debt, managing consumer expectations, and the stresses of development while operating a live game -- and rewards of the Early Access development model.

'Mysterious Game Mysteries' is the theme of the all-new GDC 2017 Movie Night!

Mysteries have always been an important part of games, from finding that first Easter Egg in Adventure through ARGs like Ilovebees, all the way up to recent, mysterious video game hits like The Witness & The Room.

In the spirit of such mysteries, the 2017 Game Developers Conference is kicking off its inaugural Movie Nights with two evening showings for GDC passholders that delve into the unknown.

If you'd like to attend and discover hidden secrets & amazing truths, screenings will be in a regular GDC conference room, but with free popcorn and (not free, but you can buy beer!) cash bar, on the Monday and Tuesday evenings of GDC 2017. Attendance is first-come, first-served, and any GDC badge holder is welcome.

The two movies we're showing as part of the first ever GDC Movie Night series, 'Mysterious Game Mysteries', are:

Attend GDC 2017 and get expert insight on what 2016 meant for mobile games

As the year winds down around us, organizers of the 2017 Game Developers Conference would like to highlight an important panel taking place at the show next year that seeks to measure the impact 2016 had on the mobile game industry.

As part of the GDC 2017 Mobile Summit, experts Steve Meretzky (Vice President, Design, King), Dave Rohrl (Founder, Mobile Game Doctor) and Juan Gril (Founder + Studio Manager, Joju Games) will reflect on 2016 in a panel on "The Year in Mobile Games."

The latest in a long-running and popular series of talks, this session aims to offer a detailed look at the year's developments in mobile gaming. Panelists will dive into the most interesting games, the hottest trends, the most unusual new features, and the most surprising numbers. It's a great way to kick off your GDC, and to get up to speed on the current state of mobile games!

GDC 2017 teams up with iam8bit to debut Art Boss game art showcase!

The Game Developers Conference is partnering with creative production company iam8bit to present the first annual Art Boss, a new art showcase taking place during the GDC 2017 conference February 27 through March 3rd at San Francisco’s Moscone Center.

Art Boss aims to be the definitive annual showcase for artists working in the games industry and highlights all forms of artwork created during the production of a game, from concept to release.

All videogame art, including, but not limited to, pre-production concept art, production art, and in-game assets can be submitted online with no entry fee required. Artists can submit their work for consideration via the official website.

Art Boss is dedicated to honoring excellence in games industry art in all forms. Through its partnership with GDC, the Art Boss exhibit will be displayed in the Moscone Center during the largest professional game industry gathering in the world, which is expected to see more than 27,000 attendees this year.

Artists who have their work selected by a panel of artists and influencers on the Art Boss jury, will each be rewarded with one complimentary GDC All Access pass. Submissions of all types of video game art are being accepted now through January 6th, 2017.

Come to GDC 2017 and see how Crashlands achieved cross-platform success

Organizers of the 2017 Game Developers Conference are lining up lots of great talks for the show, and among them is a really promising session from the folks at Butterscotch Shenanigans about how they achieved cross-platform success with their kooky game Crashlands.

In "Butterscotch Shenanigans: From Early Failures to Cross-Platform Success," studio cofounder Samuel Coster will walk through the four-year history of independent studio Butterscotch Shenanigans, providing an in-depth, occasionally funny, data-backed story for how a fledgling studio pivoted from failures and setbacks to ultimately become successful.

Over its first year in operation the studio launched a critically acclaimed financial failure, followed by a barely successful free-to-play title. With a modicum of success under the belt, the studio pivoted toward cross-platform development for mobile and PC, embarking on a 2-year dev cycle that culminated in the successful release of Crashlands in January of 2016.

Through 5 games and 5 million players the studio has faced the usual industry trials of discoverability, monetization, and retention, and has met each problem with failures and successes all its own. Come hear the story for yourself... and maybe avoid the mistakes this studio made!

GDC 2017 launches low-income free Expo Pass program

Organizers of the Game Developers Conference have once again donated a number of complimentary GDC 2017 passes that will be given away (via lottery) as part of a special low-income GDC pass program.

Part of organizers' ongoing efforts to attract a diverse array of the game industry's best and brightest, the complimentary Expo Passes awarded via the Low Income Pass Lottery are intended for participants who would otherwise not be able to attend GDC without considerable financial assistance.

The guidelines for applying are relatively straightforward:

Meditation and game design meet in this GDC 2017 talk on trance states

Most of us are familiar with the experience of being entranced by a game; that feeling of total focus where the whole world melts away. So as a game designer, how do you create that feeling in your players?

You can find out at the 2017 Game Developers Conference next year, where game developer Robin Arnott (SoundSelf) will be delivering a great talk on "Designing a Trance: Meditation and Game Design" aimed at helping you understand the trance phenomenon.

By exploring the myriad causes and types of trance, the audience will better understand how to induce these states of mind. More profoundly, they can leverage trance itself as more than the bi-product of good game design, but as a tool for deepening a player's relationship with themselves and with others.

Arnott himself looks to meditation and music performance for game design inspiration, and if you attend his talk you'll likely walk away with a workable model of how game mechanics can (and do) lead to altered states of consciousness. Applied gently, the "trance model" can help make any game more immersive and entrancing. Taken to an extreme, though, it provides a road-map to creating the world's first digital psychedelics.

Come to GDC 2017 and get expert advice on using video ads in games

Good news, game makers: Game Developers Conference organizers are lining up a bunch of great talks for the show next year, including a very timely session about how to effectively (and efficiently!) attract your players with video ads.

In a talk entitled "Breaking Ad: The Formula for Winning Video Advertising'", Storm8's Dillon Becker will discuss how to produce high-performing video ads through effective data testing, analysis and iteration.

Using real-world campaign examples for game ads that "failed" and later succeeded, Becker intends to ensure attendees of this talk walk away with best practices on improving video advertising strategies to win the mobile UA race.

This is important because with the cost of user acquisition reaching all-time highs, developers need to be increasingly creative about finding effective and efficient avenues to attract players. So don't miss this talk!

See Naughty Dog deconstruct Uncharted 4's physics animation at GDC 2017

With the 2017 Game Developers Conference just months away, organizers are excited to announce another great talk taking place at the show: Naughty Dog's behind-the-scenes look at its new physics animation system for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.

The game itself was a big hit this year, and at GDC 2017 Naughty Dog technical animator Michal Mach will reveal how its remarkable physics-driven animation systems came together in a talk on "Physics Animation in 'Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.'"

See, for Uncharted 4 Naughty Dog chose to take a risky step and experiment with adding a layer of physics simulation on top of their gameplay animation for added fluidity and momentum, with hopes that they could also save some production time by creating less assets and letting the physics "do the awesome."

Come to GDC 2017 and learn to craft better sex scenes in games

As we gear up for the 2017 Game Developers Conference, organizers would like to quickly highlight a great talk taking place at the show that addresses a tricky topic: sex in games.

More specifically, the challenge of crafting believable, meaningful sex scenes in games. That's what narrative designer Michelle Clough will explore in her GDC 2017 talk on "Fade to Black? Writing and Designing Sex Scenes in Games."

In her talk, Cleogh will examine the details and provide a toolbox for how to approach sex scenes in narrative design: how to ensure the development team is on the same page, how to contextualize the sequence within the game, and how to create a compelling, appealing, and meaningful moment.

Catch CCP sharing findings from EVE Online's citizen science at GDC 2017

Organizers of the 2017 Game Developers Conference, the largest event for game industry professionals in the world, are pleased to announce another remarkable talk taking place at the show about a very important topic: science.

Specifically, scientific data and learnings gleaned from citizen science projects integrated into CCP Games' MMO game EVE Online. The initiative, 'Project Discovery', was launched during GDC 2016. Next year, CCP's Bergur Finnbogason and MMOS Sarl chief Attila Szantner will share the results in a talk on "'Project Discovery': Lessons From Scientific Research via 'EVE Online'"

Project Discovery has since become one of the biggest citizen science efforts of 2016, generating over 14 million protein location classifications by EVE Online players. So come and hear about the story of the first year, the results and future plans for the project. You might just walk away inspired, with new perspective on how your own game can contribute to the advancement of science.

Get smart, cost-effective indie game marketing & PR tips at GDC 2017!

As the schedule for the 2017 Game Developers Conference falls into place, organizers are excited to announce another great talk taking place at the show about indie game PR and marketing -- from someone who's done just that for everything from Gone Home: Console Edition to Night In The Woods (pictured) and Thimbleweed Park.

Chris Dwyer is an expert in marketing, PR and production for indie devs, and at GDC 2017 he'll be speaking about "(Opportunity) Cost Effective Marketing & PR for Indies." Dwyer aims to arm indie developers with limited financial, mental and time budgets with good (and more importantly efficient) marketing & PR strategies.

Whether using external or internal marketing resources, he'll discuss how to evaluate which parts of marketing & PR their specific game needs, and how to make a template to prioritize and adjust those needs based on monetary and opportunity cost. It promises to be a great talk, and those who attend will walk away knowing how to prioritize and budget the needs based on their own game and resources.

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