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'Mysterious Game Mysteries' is the theme of the all-new GDC 2017 Movie Night!

Mysteries have always been an important part of games, from finding that first Easter Egg in Adventure through ARGs like Ilovebees, all the way up to recent, mysterious video game hits like The Witness & The Room.

In the spirit of such mysteries, the 2017 Game Developers Conference is kicking off its inaugural Movie Nights with two evening showings for GDC passholders that delve into the unknown.

If you'd like to attend and discover hidden secrets & amazing truths, screenings will be in a regular GDC conference room, but with free popcorn and (not free, but you can buy beer!) cash bar, on the Monday and Tuesday evenings of GDC 2017. Attendance is first-come, first-served, and any GDC badge holder is welcome.

The two movies we're showing as part of the first ever GDC Movie Night series, 'Mysterious Game Mysteries', are:

  • Monday, February 27th, 7pm: Clue! (Jonathan Lynn, 1985, 97 minutes)

First it was a board game, but then it was a delightfully bananas cult movie, starring Tim Curry, Michael McKean, Christopher Lloyd & myriad others, as you try to work out the locked room mystery that underlies the entire kaboodle. Yes, this movie was originally distributed with four different endings, and no, we haven't worked out which one(s) we are showing.

  • Tuesday, February 28th, 7pm: The Game (David Fincher, 1997, 128 minutes) 

Set in San Francisco, with many iconic locations that GDC attendees can check out after they watch the movie, this bizarre ARG-like braintwister involves Michael Douglas being gifted a 'game experience' from a company called Consumer Recreation Services (CRS). And, well, this IS a David Fincher movie, so expect a bit of darkness, the unexpected, and a serious rollercoaster ride.

If well-received, this inaugural Movie Night duo will kick off a set of vaguely off-topic but hopefully entertaining evening showings at GDC over the next few years - and feel free to give us feedback on movies that you'd like to see included in subsequent years!

So if you're considering attending GDC 2017, don't miss the opportunity to save money by registering early -- the deadline to register for passes at a discounted rate is January 25, 2017. GDC 2017 itself will take place February 27th - March 3rd at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.

For more information on GDC 2017, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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