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GDC 2013, Wild Rumpus debuting 'Rumpus Royale' indie game world champs

GDC organizers have announced the next in its series of new onsite events at GDC 2013, in the form of 'Rumpus Royale MMXIII'.
This week-long 'indie game world championships' is created in a partnership with raucous UK multiplayer indie party organizers Wild Rumpus.
The event will span the entire week of GDC, March 25th-29th, will be located on the Street Level in the West Hall of the Moscone Center, and will provide an all-day "training arcade" and daily tournaments to all GDC attendees.
The Wild Rumpus exists to bring together the best of indie multiplayer games for live events. Members behind the organization include Honeyslug co-founder and Hohokum developer Ricky Haggett, artist and designer Richard Hogg, whose work includes Poto & Cabenga and Frobisher Says, Die Gute Fabrik's George Buckenham and Penguin Books digital producer Marie Foulston.
Wild Rumpus' GDC event invites attendees to "come take on the gaming titans" in this event, with guest commentators and surprises to be announced in the near future.

GDC Awards to honor Spacewar!'s Steve Russell, Smithsonian curator Chris Melissinos

The 13th Annual Game Developers Choice Awards (GDCA), the peer-awarded highest honors in video game development, have revealed the recipients of the remaining two of its Special Awards.
These are the Pioneer Award, given to developers for creating breakthrough video game genres or concepts, and the Ambassador Award, given to those who have helped the game industry advance to a better place.
The Pioneer Award will be given to Steve Russell for his creation of the legendary game Spacewar!, one of the earliest functioning titles and a vital precursor of early computer games of the '70s and onward.
The Ambassador Award will be given to Chris Melissinos for his work curating 'The Art of Video Games,' an exhibition at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in 2012. The exhibit explored the 40-year evolution of video games showcased as an artistic medium.
The third special award, for Lifetime Achievement, has been previously announced as going to BioWare founders Dr. Ray Muzyka and Dr. Greg Zeschuk.
In 1962, Steve "Slug" Russell, a computer programmer working for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), invented Spacewar!, the first popular and earliest known digital computer game. Throughout the years, Russell's iconic computer game generated multiple imitations including Asteroids, a popular and now classic arcade title.

GDC 2013 adds 'Advocacy Track' talks on women in games, games' public image

GDC 2013 organizers have revealed new Advocacy Track talks for its March conference, including sessions on discussing women in games, improving the public image of games, and writing more diverse game characters.
The Advocacy Track is just one of seven Main Conference tracks to be held Wednesday-Friday, March 27-29 during the Game Developers Conference at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA.
GDC has programmed its own sessions and also partnered with the IGDA for this track to present topics such as diversity, censorship, and quality of life, with the goal of offering "a forum for discussion and ultimately a place to effect change for the development community."
In a newly announced panel inspired by the #1ReasonWhy and #1ReasonToBe Twitter hashtag discussions, researchers, critics, and designers will present what it means to be a woman in the games industry and what actions everyone can take to foster more inclusiveness.
The panel will include Gamasutra editor at large Leigh Alexander, game critic and San Francisco State University Masters student Mattie Brice, Funomena co-founder Robin Hunicke, Microsoft Studios game designer Kim McAuliffe, game designer and IGDA's Women in Games chair Brenda Romero, and Storm8 game designer Elizabeth Sampat.

Art talks from Psychonauts, SimCity co-creators revealed for GDC 2013

GDC 2013 organizers have revealed three new Visual Arts talks for its March conference, including performance capture insights from veteran director Remington Scott, a live character creation demo by Scott Campbell, and Ocean Quigley's overview of the dynamically constructed visuals of the new SimCity.
The Visual Arts Track is just one of seven tracks to be held Wednesday-Friday, March 27-29 during the Game Developers Conference at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA.
This particular track "strives to educate artists and technical artists about methods for producing game art and animations," focusing this year on producing "exceptional art while reducing costs."
In 'Performance Capture: Insights from the Edge,' industry pioneer Remington Scott will explain how to bring realistic, digital humans to life, as he does currently as freelance director for Sony Computer Entertainment of America, Activision, THQ and Electronic Arts. Scott's talk will combine his experience of over 25 years, during which he worked on Academy Award for Achievement in Visual Effects winners The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and Spiderman 2.
Independent artist Scott Campbell, who served as Psychonauts and Brutal Legend's art director while working with Double Fine, will design a new character in front of his audience in 'Creating Amazing Characters.' Along with the live demo, he will show past works and techniques for creating memorable and distinctive characters.
Finally, Maxis' Ocean Quigley will give an overview of how SimCity's art works within aesthetic, technical, and UI constraints in 'Building SimCity: Art in the Service of Simulation.' Insights will include the motivations behind the game's aesthetics and the methods that Maxis developed to achieve them.

Audience Award voting now open for 2013 GDCAs and IGF Awards

Game Developers Conference organizers have announced that Audience Award voting for both the 2013 Game Developers Choice Awards (GDCAs) and the Independent Games Festival (IGF) Main Competition Awards is now open through March 1, 2013 at 5PM ET.
This year marks the first time the Choice Awards have had an Audience Award category. Winners from both Awards shows will be announced Wednesday, March 27 during the 2013 Game Developers Conference at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA.
Anyone who would like to vote for the GDCA and IGF Audience Awards can visit the links below, enter the name of the game they'd like to vote for, and a valid email address; voters will then receive an email to confirm their vote. Certain rules for voting do apply; more information on Audience Award voting can be found at the below links:
· Game Developers Choice Audience Award nominations
· Independent Games Festival Main Competition Audience Choice Award nominations
Voters may only select their Audience Award nominees from the list of finalists for the Game Developers Choice Awards and the Independent Games Festival Main Competition Awards.

GDC 2013 Education Summit adds curriculum 'deathmatch,' industry-academia collab panels

GDC 2013 organizers highlight three new talks for its Education Summit in the March conference, including a panel on commercial and educational collaboration, a "deathmatch" of professors arguing their curricula, and a lecture on tabletop RPGs used to teach game design.
The GDC Education Summit is just one of eight Summits to be held Monday-Tuesday, March 25-26 during the Game Developers Conference at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA.
The popular Summit is designed to "explore experimental and inventive educational approaches that established game curriculum builders can bring back to their faculty and classrooms."
As one of the newest lectures, Sam Roberts will share how to teach formal elements of game design using tabletop RPGs in 'Catacombs and Curriculum: Role-Playing Games for Teaching Design.' Roberts will bring his combined experience as assistant director of the Interactive Media Division at USC and co-organizer of the IndieCade festival of independent games for the talk.
In 'Beyond the Dialogue: Perspectives on Industry and Academia,' four panelists will discuss ways that those in commercial game development and academic video game education can benefit from more active cooperation.

Share your 'GDC Story' to win an All Access Pass to GDC 2013

GDC organizers have announced the 'My GDC Story' campaign, which asks past attendees to share their life-changing GDC experiences for a chance to win an All Access Pass to GDC 2013.
Anyone who has participated in a GDC can submit a story. Every story submission will be considered, with one lucky individual winning an All Access Pass to this year's conference to be held March 25-29 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, CA.
Organizers hope to hear any of the following stories:
-If you met someone at GDC who ended up becoming an important person in your life - a friend, a spouse, a business partner
-If you got a job through connections you made at GDC
-If you were uniquely inspired by a GDC session, and how
-If meeting one of your game development heroes at GDC had an impact on your career
-If the Experimental Gameplay Sessions, Independent Games Festival, Game Developers Choice -Awards or another event at GDC helped push you or your game into notoriety
-Any other way that the GDC has had a positive impact on your life or career

Those who wish to participate in the drawing for an All Access Pass to GDC 2013 must submit their story before midnight (PST) on February 28, 2013, following these specific instructions.

GDC 2013 reveals Valentine-themed set of talks on love, NPC romance

[GDC 2013 organizers are highlighting special Valentine-themed talks taking place at March's conference, including Dragon Age's David Gaider on sexuality in games, a talk on NPC romance, and Frank Lantz on 'Strange Love'. Here's their message to you!]
It's Valentine's Day and even video game trade shows have a little love to share. To get you in the mood for the March event, here's a taste of the love potion that is GDC.
Our Design track is aflutter with love and lust. We've got talks from Dragon Age's David Gaider on sexuality in games, a talk on NPC romance, and Frank Lantz on 'Strange Love'.
In 'Sex in Video Games,' BioWare EA's Dragon Age series lead writer David Gaider will tackle how addressing or ignoring social issues such as sexism and sexuality in games can affect not only sales, but public perception about the company who makes them.
Frank Lantz, Parking Wars and Drop7 developer and NYU Game Center Chair, will explain game theory (the mathematical analysis of conflict and decision making) and how it can inspire and influence game design in 'Strange Love: Game Theory vs. Game Design.' The talk will especially appeal to those interested in human behavior or the intersection of math and art.
For those trying to find love, Schell Games designer Heidi McDonald will share research on how men and women approach NPC romance in a poster session entitled 'Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Ferelden.' Narrative designers can learn from her 500-person survey how to address "the romance motivations of several types of players at once."

GDC 2013 adds NASA, Wii U, Dishonored, Journey, DayZ talks

With just a day until the early registration deadline, Game Developers Conference 2013 organizers have revealed talks from NASA on game tech used for robots in space; Nintendo on Miiverse, HTML, and Javascript for Wii U; and lessons from designing DayZ and Journey and co-directing Dishonored.
These lectures are part of the Programming, Production, and Design Tracks in GDC's Main Conference, to be held March 27-29 in San Francisco at the Moscone Center.
The highlights of each lecture are as follows:
- In 'We Are the Space Invaders (Presented by NASA),' Victor Luo and Jeff Norris will explain the crossover between video games and the systems that command real spacecraft. Highlights include the agency's first console video game and how they pilot giant spider robots and humanoids with video game technology.
- Bohemia Interactive project lead Dean Hall will discuss how online multiplayer game DayZ went from mod to commercial game and how it remained "largely intact" after going viral in 'Designing DayZ: Lessons from Cherno.'
- In Empowering the Player in a Story-Rich World: Co-Directing Dishonored,' Arkane Studios' Raphael Colantonio and Harvey Smith will discuss how they aimed to create "spaces that enable the player to improvise and experiment, devising their own solutions to gameplay obstacles," and engage them "dramatically through interactive systems."

GDC 2013 adds Unfinished Swan, Schell, FTL, Riot talks for Summits

Game Developers Conference 2013 organizers have revealed new Summit talks for its March conference, including a discussion on Giant Sparrow's acclaimed indie The Unfinished Swan, Jesse Schell's look into how different mediums are shaping storytelling, an FTL postmortem and a Riot QA spotlight.
The first two of these spotlighted talks are part Game Narrative and GDC Education Summits, just two of eight total Summits that will take place Monday, March 25 and Tuesday, March 26 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA during the first two days of GDC 2013.
In 'The Future of Storytelling: How Medium Shapes Story,' Jesse Schell, professor at CMU's Entertainment Technology Center and founder Schell Games (Puzzle Clubhouse), will offer attendees "useful tools for understanding what story structures work best on present-day gaming platforms, and on the many new ones that are right around the corner."
In 'The Unfinished Swan: From Student Prototype to Commercial Game,' Giant Sparrow's Ian Dallas will discuss what went right and wrong with the Game Developers Choice Awards nominated first-person painting game. Topics will include what the studio learned in school that was most useful and why it chose a publisher instead of staying independent.
In addition, organizers are reminding of two other exceptional talks scheduled for the GDC 2013 Summits. In the QA Summit, League of Legends developer Riot Games' Benjamin Seifert will discuss a three-prong approach to QA in 'It's Raining New Content: Successful Rapid Test Iterations.' Also, in the Independent Games Summit, Subset Games will deliver a postmortem on its IGF and Game Developers Choice Awards nominated game in 'Designing Without a Pitch - FTL Postmortem.'

BioWare founders Muzyka, Zeschuk to receive Lifetime Achievement Award at GDCAs

Co-founders of the award-winning BioWare studio Dr. Ray Muzyka and Dr. Greg Zeschuk will receive Lifetime Achievement Awards for their contributions to the art and science of games at the 13th Annual Game Developers Choice Awards (GDCAs).

The GDCAs, held yearly at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, are the leading peer-based video game industry awards celebrating the industry's top games and developers.

Both Choice and IGF Awards will see the return of industry-favorite hosts with Tim Schafer, the LucasArts veteran and President and CEO of Double Fine Productions (Brutal Legend, Costume Quest, The Cave), hosting the Choice Awards ceremony and Pocketwatch Games' Andy Schatz, creator of 2010 Independent Games Festival Grand Prize winner Monaco, returning as host of the Independent Games Festival awards.

Lifetime Achievement Award honorees Muzyka and Zeschuk, known throughout the game development community as the 'BioWare Doctors,' met while in medical school at the University of Alberta where they learned they shared a passion for video game development.

They each continued to moonlight as doctors during the early years of BioWare but then transitioned to the video game industry full time as they and their passionate teams at BioWare went on to create some of the industry's most influential, highly praised and critically acclaimed role-playing games such as Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire, Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Star Wars: The Old Republic.

iam8bit to hold 'Class Of GDC' photoshoots at GDC 2013

2013 Game Developers Conference organizers are announcing the first of a series of new, interactive onsite events, 'Class of GDC: Photo Playset,' created in a renewed partnership with production group iam8bit.
In its own area on the Lower Lobby of the North Hall, iam8bit will offer GDC attendees from March 25-29 a free photo session with optional, "questionable fashion and laser backdrops" to personalize their photos with friends and colleagues.
As the official event description explains: "GDC is kinda like a high school reunion. Every year, the game industry gathers in San Francisco to hug old pals... and make some new ones.
It's the place to learn and share (and drink) the many fruits of our creative business, under one gigantic roof. So it only makes sense to immortalize the occasion - especially because everyone always needs a new Facebook profile pic.
Presenting the "CLASS OF GDC: Photo Playset," where attendees are welcomed into an elaborate snapshot experience, harkening back to those days of bad dos, questionable fashion and laser backdrops. But hold up - this isn't JUST some funny thing you did at a party once...
A hair & makeup artist will be on hand to help you achieve that perfect look, you'll get to sift through a random assortment of ugly sweaters and hideous dresses, and a well-educated photographer will earn back their student loans while you awkwardly smile."

'Road to the IGF' Pt.1: the stories behind this year's top indie games

Gamasutra's 'Road to the IGF' series is in the process of highlighting every 2013 Independent Games Festival finalist - and here's the first batch of interviews, including Kentucky Route Zero, Cart Life and Incredipede.
All finalists will be playable at an expanded IGF Pavilion on the Game Developers Conference 2013 Expo floor from March 27-29, 2013, at San Francisco's Moscone Center.
This year, the 'Road to the IGF' series has already shared stories of innovation in indie gaming such as Q-Games' Move-controlled audio experiment PixelJunk 4AM, Blendo Games' 10-minute long adventure Thirty Flights of Loving, and more.
The full highlights so far from this year's finalists are as follows:
- Simogo discusses its haunting and intentionally-mysterious Visual Art nominee Year Walk, a divergence from the studio's familiar, cute tone.
- Cardboard Computer reveals the inspiration for Kentucky Route Zero, and why it's glad that the game's Kickstarter came before the big crowd-funding boom.

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