GDC 2023 Core Concepts Talk Submissions Are Now Open
The GDC Advisory Board is looking for game developers eager to share what works, what should change, and where the future of video games is headed—and here are some tips to get started.
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The GDC Advisory Board is looking for game developers eager to share what works, what should change, and where the future of video games is headed—and here are some tips to get started.
Plus, here are the dates to submit talks for Core Concepts and Summits at the 2023 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.
Relive some of the greatest moments from GDC 2022 in this exciting video—while anticipating GDC's return in March 2023!
Jeff Lent is here to teach the fundamentals of microservice architecture in his upcoming Masterclass, Microservice Architecture in Game Design, taking place on Thursday, June 16 from 9:00 am to 5:00pm BST (4:00am to 1:00pm ET).
Chris Barney spoke with GDC about his virtual Masterclass, Creating and Designing with Your Own Pattern Language, taking place on Friday, June 17 from 9:00am to 5:00pm BST (4:00am to 12:00pm ET).
Private Division's Executive Producer Kari Toyama and Senior Quality Assurance Manager Anthony Price talked with GDC about their GDC Masterclass, Building Excellent Teams and Culture in Game QA, taking place on Thursday and Friday, June 16-17, from 2:00pm to 6:00pm BST (9:00am to 1:00pm ET).
Susan O'Connor talked with GDC about her upcoming Masterclass, How to Bring Story and Gameplay Together, taking place on Thursday and Friday, June 16-17, from 2:00pm to 6:00pm BST (9:00am to 1:00pm ET).
Kevin Nally chatted with GDC about his virtual Masterclass, A Practical Approach To Physical Lighting In Unreal Engine, which takes place on Thursday and Friday, June 16-17, from 9:00am to 1:00pm BST (4:00am to 8:00am ET).
Russell Campbell talked with GDC about his upcoming GDC Masterclass, Intro to Unity Shader Programming, which takes place Thursday, July 16 from 9:30am to 5:30pm BST.
Chris Zukowski chatted with GDC about his two-day virtual Masterclass, Advanced Steam Strategies for Game Studios and Publishers, which is being held on Thursday and Friday, June 16-17, from 3:00pm to 7:00pm BST (10:00am to 2:00pm ET).
In this interview, Jason shared his thoughts on the benefits of in-person and virtual courses and what it means to be "venture investible," along with some tips on overcoming nerves while pitching in front of others.
Dasy and Noah chatted with GDC about their one-day GDC Masterclass, "Designing, Developing, and Funding Healthcare Games and Digital Therapeutics," which is being held at the AI Summit during London Tech Week on Thursday, June 16 from 9:30am to 5:30pm BST.
GDC's sister publication Game Developer was on the ground covering some of the biggest news from GDC 2022, and here are more of their articles from the weeklong event.
You don't need to be in the UK to participate in GDC Masterclass London 2022—several incredible courses are being offered virtually for attendees around the world.
Thousands of video-on-demand sessions—including hundreds from GDC 2022—are available to watch on GDC Vault.