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Catch devs on Pokemon Go, Vainglory and more speaking at GDC 2017's Mobile Summit!

As the 2017 Game Developers Conference draws nigh, organizers would like to quickly let you know about some of the great talks about the art and business of making mobile gmaes that will be taking place during the event.

Each of these talks is part of the GDC Mobile Summit, one of eight that will take place Monday, February 27th and Tuesday, February 28th at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA -- the first two days of the conference.

Like every GDC Summit, the Mobile Summit offers a comprehensive overview of a specific game industry discipline. For example, this year mobile game experts Steve Meretzky (Vice President, Design, King), Dave Rohrl (Founder, Mobile Game Doctor) and Juan Gril (Founder + Studio Manager, Joju Games) will reflect on 2016 in a panel on "The Year in Mobile Games."

The latest in a long-running and popular series of talks, this session aims to offer a detailed look at the year's developments in mobile gaming. Panelists will dive into the most interesting games, the hottest trends, the most unusual new features, and the most surprising numbers. It's a great way to kick off your GDC, and to get up to speed on the current state of mobile games!

GDC State of the Industry: Crunch sucks, content is king

Results from the fifth annual Game Developers Conference State of the Industry Survey are in, revealing trends in the games industry based on the feedback of more than 4,500 game developers ahead of GDC 2017 in February and March.

Earlier this month we pointed out how the survey results suggest game developers are feeling optimistic about Nintendo’s upcoming Switch console, and feel unsure about the prospects of mid-cycle console refreshes like the PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox’s “Project Scorpio.” Also, the survey shows that for the first time ever, mobile game devs favor Android over iOS.

Now we round out our deep dive by digging into some of the interesting and intriguing responses submitted in response to one of the survey's most open-ended questions: "Is there anything else you'd like to say about the game industry?"

Download the 2017 State of the Industry Survey here

The 2017 State of the Industry Survey is the fifth entry in the ongoing series of yearly reports and serves as a snapshot of the games industry and illustrates industry trends ahead of GDC in San Francisco. Organized by the UBM Tech Game Network, GDC 2017 takes place February 27th through March 3rd at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, California.

Come to GDC 2017 and see speakers confront their old game dev advice

The 2017 Game Developers Conference is coming up fast, and before it's upon us organizers want to make sure you know about a frank talk taking place as part of the perennially popular Independent Games Summit!

In their talk on "Everything I Said Was Wrong: Why Indie Is Different Now", experienced game makers (and GDC speakers) Liz England, Rami Ismail, Lisa Brown, and Daniel Cook will consider game development advice that they adamantly stood by several years ago that they consider bad ideas today, and share tips for critically questioning even the best advice.

It promises to be an earnest discussion in which these longtime devs refute their past-selves on topics like F2P as a sustainable business model for indies, brainstorming practices based on bad science, and the role of motivation in the average indie developer.

Here's the lineup of playable games at Day of the Devs during GDC 2017!

The Game Developers Conference is just weeks away! Today, organizers are excited to announce more details about the games that will be playable at GDC 2017 in the Day of the Devs interactive space, organized by iam8bit and Double Fine Productions.

After a public call for submissions, ten great games will be taking up residence inside San Francisco's Moscone Convention Center in the Day of the Devs area, which is conveniently accessible to all showgoers.

GDC 2017 attendees are encouraged to drop by between appointments to play the games and have the chance to chat with their creators, which include folks from studios like Fullbright, Supergiant, Playtonic Games and more!

Get real-time rendering tips from Rogue One's VFX team at GDC 2017

Heads up, game makers: Game Developers Conference organizers have a special treat in store for those who attend GDC 2017 next month -- a chance to reach across disciplines and study the real-time rendering techniques used in the film Rogue One!

John Knoll (Chief Creative Officer, Visual Effects Supervisor, Industrial Light & Magic), Naty Hoffman (Principal Engineer & Architect, Lucasfilm ADG) and Roger Cordes Digital Production Supervisor, ILMxLAB) are coming to the show to present a fascinating talk about "Realtime Rendering for Feature Film: Rogue One a Case Study."

See, in the course of creating the latest blockbuster Star Wars film, Knoll challenged the Lucasfilm Advanced Development Group to take a handful of shots for the film and render the lead character in them at cinematic fidelity utilizing real-time rendering.

At GDC 2017, get engineering insights from folks who used animation to bring a toy robot to life

With the 2017 Game Developers Conference right around the corner, organizers want to make sure you know about a neat animation talk from folks who build actual robots that's taking place at the show..

In their GDC 2017 talk on "Cozmo: Animation Pipeline for a Physical Robot", Anki's Daria Jerjomina and Molly Jameson will explain how, in designing the real-life robot Cozmo, Anki used real-world physics so there was no "cheating", and they had to adjust their way of thinking about assets accordingly.

This session presents an overview of the asset pipeline on Cozmo, a complex, physical, game-playing robot, with over 300 parts, powered by a mobile app. This session will also describe the complexities of using data from Maya to transfer animation onto something with physical constraints.

Don't miss the 50+ sessions on VR taking place at GDC 2017

Heads up, Game Developers Conference attendees: All passes to the Virtual Reality Developers Conference at GDC 2017 are now sold out!

However, there's still lots of interesting VR stuff going on at GDC 2017 proper. Today, conference organizers want to quickly remind you about the bumper crop of sessions focused on VR games and tech that are taking place at GDC 2017 and thus still accessible to most GDC passholders.

As of right now there are over 50 VR-focused sessions scheduled for the GDC Main Conference, Summits, Tutorials and Bootcamps. That means you can purchase a GDC All Access Pass and check out cutting-edge VR talks like:

Attend GDC 2017 and learn how HBO brought Westworld to VR!

As the 2017 Game Developers Conference draws nigh, organizers want to let you know about a very cool talk taking place at the show from the folks responsible for HBO's Westworld!

See, over the last two years an internal team at HBO has been working out how to develop new storytelling experiences using cutting-edge technology. At GDC 2017, HBO's Colin Foran will deliver a talk about that team's efforts called "WestworldVR: Combining Linear and Interactive Content to Tell Character Centric Stories."

As part of that R&D effort, HBO created "Westworld: A Delos Experience", a room-scale VR installation that tells a coherent, character centric story using several new technologies. Combining realtime rendering, 360 video, interactive props and a physical set buildout staffed with actors, the piece represents a strong statement of intent to embrace new storytelling methods.

GDC State of the Industry: Devs explain why their confidence in eSports is rising

Results from the fifth annual Game Developers Conference State of the Industry Survey are in, revealing trends in the games industry based on the feedback of more than 4,500 game developers ahead of GDC 2017 in February and March.

Earlier this month we pointed out how survey results suggest game developers are optimistic about Nintendo’s upcoming Switch console, but feel unsure about the prospects of mid-cycle console refreshes like the PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox’s “Project Scorpio.” Also, the survey shows that for the first time ever, mobile game devs favor Android over iOS.

We also know that most devs who took our survey think mobile VR/AR is the future, and that most get sick or unsettled in some VR experiences -- but less than 1 in 10 can't handle VR in any form. Today, we dive even deeper into our survey results and surface some of the intriguing written responses respondents gave about the state of eSports in 2017.

Download the 2017 State of the Industry Survey here

The 2017 State of the Industry Survey is the fifth entry in the ongoing series of yearly reports and serves as a snapshot of the games industry and illustrates industry trends ahead of GDC in San Francisco. Organized by the UBM Tech Game Network, GDC 2017 takes place February 27th through March 3rd at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, California.

Get a sneak peek of GDC 2017 with these speaker interviews and pitches!

The game industry is gearing up for GDC 2017 in San Francisco next month, and conference organizers want to make sure you have an opportunity to learn more about some of the great talks taking place at the event -- direct from the speakers themselves!

For the second year in a row, we're loading the official GDC YouTube channel with brief videos submitted by a broad array of GDC 2017 speakers. Each one is a very fun, personal pitch for why you should make time to check out that person's talk while you're attending GDC.

They're funny, informative and packed with personality -- in short, perfect summations of what makes GDC talks so great.

This year, we've organized these GDC 2017 Flash Forward pitches into a playlist (embedded below) on the official GDC YouTube channel, and added more information about each speaker and a link to their talk in the description of their video. So make sure to check 'em out!

This year we've also worked with Gamasutra, official media partner of GDC, to produce video interviews with some of our GDC 2017 speakers. These are meatier hour-long affairs that explore the speaker's work in games, why they're speaking at GDC 2017, and what they think fellow devs should know about the art and business of making games.

Cast your votes for the 2017 IGF and Game Developers Choice Audience Awards!

Good news, everyone: Game Developers Conference officials are excited to announce that voting for both the Game Developers Choice Audience Award and the Independent Games Festival Audience Award is open now, and will remain open through next Tuesday, January 31st at 11:59 PM PT.

These Audience Awards offer the public an opportunity to weigh in and cast a vote for their favorite nominees. Anyone who would like to do so can visit the links below, select the name of the game they’d like to vote for from a list of nominees, and enter a valid email address. Voters will then have their opinions heard in these prestigious award shows.

Anyone who would like to vote for the GDCA and IGF Audience Awards can cast their votes using the links below. Voters simply need to select the game they are voting for, and enter a valid email address. Email addresses will not be distributed, and organizers will delete your information after the poll has closed.

At GDC 2017, see how Civ VI devs handled making a new game in a beloved series

The 2017 Game Developers Conference is coming up fast, but before it's upon us organizers want to let you know about a great talk the lead designer of Civilization VI is giving about the pressures of making the latest entry in a beloved franchise.

Firaxis Games' Ed Beach led design of Civilization VI, and in his GDC 2017 talk "Absolutely No Pressure: Continuing a Successful Game Series with 'Civilization VI'" he'll speak to how how the team at Firaxis approached this assignment, despite the fact it meant they had to be critical of their own work on the previous Civ game.

During the session Beach will look in depth at several of the key subsystems in a Civilization game and review what design changes were adopted (or abandoned) for each.

Learn from devs on Cuphead, Overwatch and more at GDC 2017's Animation Bootcamp

Artists and animators, take note: GDC 2017 organizers are reminding you to make time to check out all the great talks taking place during the two-day Animation Bootcamp that kicks off next month's conference.

The perennially popular Animation Bootcamp is one of many Bootcamps and Tutorials that take place during the first two days of GDC (Monday and Tuesday, February 27th and 28th this year) and offer attendees the chance to dive deep and explore focused topics like level design, game production, art direction and animation.

This year the Animation Bootcamp will encompass expert tips and advice gleaned from working on everything from Overwatch to The Witcher 3 to Cuphead. For a full, up-to-date listing of what talks will be taking place during the Bootcamp, check out the GDC 2017 Session Scheduler.

GDC State of the Industry: Most devs think mobile VR/AR is the future

Results from the fifth annual Game Developers Conference State of the Industry Survey are in, revealing trends in the games industry based on the feedback of more than 4,500 game developers ahead of GDC 2017 in February and March.

Last week we pointed out how the survey results suggest game developers are feeling optimistic about Nintendo’s upcoming Switch console, and feel unsure about the prospects of mid-cycle console refreshes like the PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox’s “Project Scorpio.” Also, the survey shows that for the first time ever, mobile game devs favor Android over iOS.

Now we continue our deep dive into the survey findings to gauge where game developers feel the future of VR/AR is headed, and -- just out of curiousity -- how often they feel sick or nauseous in VR.

Download the 2017 State of the Industry Survey here

The 2017 State of the Industry Survey is the fifth entry in the ongoing series of yearly reports and serves as a snapshot of the games industry and illustrates industry trends ahead of GDC in San Francisco. Organized by the UBM Tech Game Network, GDC 2017 takes place February 27th through March 3rd at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, California.

Go behind the scenes of Hyper Light Drifter's development at GDC 2017!

As the schedule for the 2017 Game Developers Conference comes together, organizers want to quickly let you know about a cool talk taking place at the show (which starts next month!) about the process of creating Heart Machine's hit game Hyper Light Drifter.

In their GDC 2017 talk on "'Hyper Light Drifter': Secrets of Kickstarter, Design, & Pizza", Drifter devs Alex Preston and Teddy Diefenbach will take you deep behind the journey of creating their indie success, from the design to the nitty-gritty business end.

Hear untold secrets from their Kickstarter campaign and finances, design of a world without words, specialized level design tools, release process on PC, and porting to console. Three wonderful and terrifying years of running a company and making a massive game, condensed into sixty minutes of revelation and catharsis.

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