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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild devs are speaking at GDC 2017!

Passes for the 2017 Game Developers Conference are still going fast, and today the folks organizing the show are very happy to announce that some of Nintendo's top developers are coming to GDC 2017 to talk about one of the company's most exciting games!

Three developers behind The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will be presenting a GDC 2017 session on “Change and Constant – Breaking Conventions with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.”

The panel will feature game director Hidemaro Fujibayashi, art director Satoru Takizawa and programming lead Takuhiro Dohta. Each will share their thoughts on how The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (which releases on Wii U and Nintendo's new Switch two days after this talk) introduces wide-ranging changes that break with many of the traditional conventions of the franchise.

Watch GDC 2017 speakers try to pitch their talks to you in a minute or less!

GDC 2017 is just weeks away! As you're looking over the session schedule and figuring out what to see, organizers want to quickly remind you that a bumper crop of GDC 2017 speakers have put together 60-second (ish) "Flash Forward" pitch videos for their talks!

These are perfect summations of what makes GDC sessions so great: they're funny, punchy, and remarkably informative. Plus, they're easy to watch! You can just head over to the official GDC YouTube channel, which is now filled to the brim with snappy videos submitted by a broad array of GDC 2017 speakers.

What's nice about these is that they're very fun and personalized pitches for why you (yes you!) should carve out some time in your busy schedule to check out that each talk while you're attending GDC.

Devs from Blizzard, Riot, and more will speak at GDC 2017's inaugural VFX Bootcamp!

Heads up, game devs: GDC 2017 organizers are reminding you to make time to check out all the great talks taking place during the day-long VFX Bootcamp that helps kick off the conference later this month.

This is the first year GDC is hosting the VFX Bootcamp, one of many great Bootcamps and Tutorials that take place during the first two days of GDC (Monday and Tuesday, February 27th and 28th this year) and offer attendees the chance to dive deep and explore focused topics like level design, game production, art direction and animation.

This year the VFX Bootcamp runs all day on Tuesday, February 28th, with a slew of sessions that dive deep into the art and tech of visual effects design in contemporary games. It's more important than ever, as in recent years the discipline of visual effects has emerged as one of the driving forces in game development.

Come to GDC 2017 and hone your design skills at the all-new UX Summit!

The 2017 Game Developers Conference is just weeks away, so today organizers want to quickly let you know about some of the great UI/UX design talks taking place during the conference!

Each of these talks is part of the all-new GDC UX Summit, one of eight that will take place Monday, February 27th and Tuesday, February 28th at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA -- the first two days of the conference.

These Summit talks are great because they're hyper-focused on one specific area of game design. For example, in his GDC 2017 UX Summit talk "From Rational to Emotional: Designs that Increase Player Retention", longtime Epic Games staffer Jim Brown aims to dissect the basic emotions that drive everyone, and provide specific examples of design techniques that encourage the formation of enduring emotional ties that could enhance both retention and enjoyment for players.

Hear the directors of Final Fantasy XV & Nioh speak in GDC 2017's Japanese talks

Passes for the 2017 Game Developers Conference are going fast, and today organizers are excited to higlight a few of the conference's excellent Japanese-language talks!

These talks are worth checking out because they feature prominent Japanese game makers sharing advice and answering questions with attendees in both Japanese and (via translation) English.

Notably, Square Enix veteran and Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata will deliver a talk on "'Final Fantasy': A Challenger Once Again" in which he'll discuss what last year's Final Fantasy XV set out to achieve, and the multi-faceted approach that was taken.

Make time to check out this talk, because it's a rare opportunity to hear -- directly from the game's director -- about the challenges taken on by the Final Fantasy XV team, and the challenges they will face moving forward.

Plus, in his GDC 2017 talk on "'Nioh': Reinventing the Samurai Action Genre", Team Ninja director Fumihiko Yasuda will detail the game's development and speak to the benefits and potential dangers of opening an interactive communications channel with prospective fans during game development.

Come to GDC 2017 and play these 12 games in the Indie Megabooth Showcase!

The 2017 Game Developers Conference is right around the corner, and organizers are pumped about the fact that the Indie MEGABOOTH Showcase is back at GDC for the fourth year in a row!

In fact, today they'd like to share the full list of games that will be playable in the MEGABOOTH by all GDC passholders throughout the conference, which is taking place the week of February 27th through March 3rd.

The Indie MEGABOOTH Showcase continues to be a fantastic collection of independent developers banding together to show off the latest and greatest indie games at conventions across the world. The MEGABOOTH exists to support indie developers, and to help pool their resources to enable them to showcase their work prominently, despite not having access to publisher support.

The organizers work with broad array of independent game studios to select a variety of games across multiple platforms -- including mobile, PC, console and more -- for exhibition at prominent game industry events, and this year they're coming to GDC 2017 with 12 games that will be playable as part of the Indie MEGABOOTH Showcase.

At GDC 2017 you'll hear how the Nioh devs revamped samurai action games

As the 2017 Game Developers Conference approaches, organizers want to make sure you don't miss out on a promising talk from the folks at Koei Tecmo's Team Ninja about their latest cutting-edge action game.

In his GDC 2017 talk on "'Nioh': Reinventing the Samurai Action Genre", Team Ninja director Fumihiko Yasuda will detail the game's development and speak to the benefits and potential dangers of opening an interactive communications channel with prospective fans during game development.

Nioh was released this week, and it's one of the longest-running projects Team Ninja has created. The game has gone through a lot of changes since it was first announced 10 years ago, and during the last stretch of development and before its successful release, Team Ninja decided to publicly test their chosen direction on a global audience.

Attend GDC 2017 and learn to make great mixed-reality trailers for your VR game!

We're weeks away from the 2017 Game Developers Conference, and today the folks organizing the show want to be sure to let you know about a fantastic talk from a game trailer wizard about making great mixed-reality videos of your game!

As part of VRDC @ GDC 2017's Game VR/AR track of talks, Kert Gartner (the aforementioned game trailer wizard) and Northway Games' Colin Northway will be delivering a great talk on "Creating Mixed Reality Trailers and Livestreams."

This is something they know something about, having collaborated on the great mixed-reality trailer for Northway's Fantastic Contraption VR. Translating the feeling of being in a fully interactive virtual environment into a compelling 2D video people watch on their phone is a complicated problem; mixed-reality shows a player inside your game and is the best way to convey what it's like to be inside VR.

Microsoft, Sony, HTC Vive and more are sponsoring great GDC 2017 talks!

As the 2017 Game Developers Conference rises up to meet us at the end of the month, we want to make sure and highlight a few more great talks with industry-leading experts that you won't want to miss.

Today we're talking about sponsored sessions from the likes of Microsoft, HTC Vive, and Oculus that will better equip attendees to meet the challenge of making games on next-gen hardware. If that sounds like something you'd like to be a part of at GDC this year, make sure to swing by and check out these talks.

For example, you can attend ID@Xbox director Chris Charla's "Unveiling New Game Developer Opportunities with Xbox and Windows" to learn how Xbox is expanding and simplifying the ways game developers can get their titles onto Xbox One consoles and Windows PCs. Attendees will get an overview of how Xbox is adding more opportunity for game developers to engage customers across the ecosystem, and hear the success stories of how games built through the ID@Xbox program are being enjoyed by millions of players.

At GDC 2017, see how Riot rebuilt League of Legends' client without breaking everything

If you work on online games, you know that sometimes there's only one way to fix a game client that's too far gone: nuke it from orbit.

At the 2017 Game Developers Conference later this month, Riot Games' art director Laura DeYoung will show you how she and her team did just that for the League of Legends client -- without breaking everything in the process -- in her talk on "'League of Legends' Client Update: Art Directing a Consistent and Scalable Interactive Brand Identity."

See, in 2008 the League of Legends team cranked out a client so they could ship the game to players. They didn't have time to think about the client's creative direction or infrastructure, and DeYoung claims that it was a sub-optimal experience for players and developers alike.

In her talk, DeYoung will discuss how the team rebuilt the client to be functional and resonant with players while providing a flexible space for developers to build content -- effectively "rebuilding the plane while flying it", if you will.

At GDC 2017 Niantic will show you how it built Pokemon Go to be a planet-scale game

The augmented-reality game Pokemon Go took the world by storm last year, and if you come to the Game Developers Conference later this month you'll learn exactly how Niantic built it to work consistently on a global scale!

Edward Wu is Niantic's director of software engineering, and in his GDC 2017 talk on "Creation of Planet-Scale Shared Augmented Realities: 'Pokémon GO' and 'Ingress'" he'll discuss the challenges of implementing and operating a planet-scale service with demanding latency and consistency constraints, in the face of usage 50x planned capacity.

Wu's goal is to help talk attendees realize how a combination of mobile phone sensors, NoSQL databases and containerized server infrastructure can create a whole new genre of games that have much greater scaling properties than previous SQL-focused technology.

Attend GDC 2017 and spend a day learning to build better eSports!

If you're planning to attend the Game Developers Conference later this month, organizers want to make sure you don't miss out on all the cutting-edge eSports-focused talks taking place at the show!

These sessions will be part of the GDC eSports Day on Tuesday, February 28th, a day-long series of panels and presentations focused on cultivating a competitive game's eSports ecosystem to attract and support professional players, teams, journalists, and grassroots player organizations.

For example, come check out the opening session on "Building eSports: Twitch, 'Rocket League', and 'H1Z1: King of the Kill'" to see two very important 30-minute talks: first, Twitch VP of eSports Nick Allen walks through Twitch's unique role in identifying the potential of Rocket League, helping build its grassroots eSports scene from the ground up, and nurturing it into a sustainable competitive ecosystem.

Come to GDC 2017 and see the math that made the worlds of No Man's Sky

Who needs math, anyway?

The team at Hello Games, because without it, they couldn't have built the vast, near-infinite procedurally-generated universe of their remarkable 2016 game No Man's Sky.

If you'd like to know how a universe is made using math, you're in luck -- Hello Games founder Sean Murray will be speaking about just that at the 2017 Game Developers Conference later this month!

In his GDC 2017 talk on "Building Worlds Using Math(s)", Murray aims to discuss some of the most important technologies and interesting challenges behind generating both realistic and alien terrains without artistic input, using mathematics. He also plans to focus on creating and testing an infinite environment with a small team -- particuarly programmer-generated worlds and art.

Hear real talk from fellow devs at GDC 2017's Independent Games Summit!

Independent game development is more common than ever, which is why organizers of the 2017 Game Developers Conference want to make sure you don't miss out on all the great indie-focused talks taking place at the show!

In fact, there's an entire GDC Independent Games Summit dedicated to the topic, one of eight that will take place Monday, February 27th and Tuesday, February 28th at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA -- the first two days of the conference.

Each Summit is designed to offer GDC attendees a practical, comphrehensive overview of a specific discipline or business, and the Indie Games Summit aims to do just that for the independent games business -- even as the business itself continues to change.

Here are the winners for GDC 2017 and iam8bit's Art Boss showcase!

Game Developers Conference are proud to announce the artists selected to take part in the first annual Art Boss showcase, presented at GDC 2017 in partnership with iam8bit!

This is a big deal because Art Boss aims to be the definitive annual showcase for artists working in the games industry, highlighting all forms of artwork created during game production -- from concept through release.

All videogame art, including (but not limited to!) pre-production concept art, production art, and in-game assets, was fair game for submissions, and now twelve winners have been selected by a panel of artists and influencers.

Each will be rewarded with a complimentary GDC All Access pass, and will have their submission put on display during the show.

So without further ado, here are the artworks selected to take part in this year's Art Boss showcase, along with the name of the artist, the title of their work and the game it depicts:

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