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Come to GDC 2017 and see the math that made the worlds of No Man's Sky

Who needs math, anyway?

The team at Hello Games, because without it, they couldn't have built the vast, near-infinite procedurally-generated universe of their remarkable 2016 game No Man's Sky.

If you'd like to know how a universe is made using math, you're in luck -- Hello Games founder Sean Murray will be speaking about just that at the 2017 Game Developers Conference later this month!

In his GDC 2017 talk on "Building Worlds Using Math(s)", Murray aims to discuss some of the most important technologies and interesting challenges behind generating both realistic and alien terrains without artistic input, using mathematics. He also plans to focus on creating and testing an infinite environment with a small team -- particuarly programmer-generated worlds and art.

Make time to check out his talk, because you'll walk away with the knowledge required to be able to generate, populate and render a unique-looking planet. You might even gain a deeper understanding of pitfalls to avoid when doing this kind of game dev work, and get inspired about where these techniques can go in the future.

For more details on this and other talks taking place at GDC 2017, head over to the conference Session Scheduler. For more information on GDC 2017, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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