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GDC State of the Industry: Developers double down on PS4, Xbox One

The Game Developers Conference has polled more than 2,000 North American game developers who attended GDC 2014 to compose the third annual State of the Industry Survey, which seeks to provide a snapshot of the games industry and illustrate industry trends ahead of GDC 2015 in March.

Notable trends shown in the poll results include console development on the rise, digital and microtransaction sales dominating profits, and other trends that offer a glimpse into the future landscape of the games industry.

Learn to make games smarter at the GDC 2015 AI Summit

Artificial intelligence design in games remains one of the perennially popular Game Developers Conference topics, and today we're highlighting a few notable talks on the subject that you must see at GDC 2015 in March.

These talks are part of the GDC AI Summit, one of eight that will take place Monday, March 2nd and Tuesday, March 3rd at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA during the first two days of the conference.

Make time to check out these excellent GDC 2015 Advocacy talks

Today Game Developers Conference 2015 officials are excited to highlight another great set of sessions in the Advocacy track that you'll want to check out.

Quick reminder: for the second year running, GDC organizers have made all Advocacy track talks open to all GDC attendees, regardless of what type of pass they purchase.

You can find the full lineup of awesome advocacy-centric talks at GDC 2015 via the Advocacy track session list.

Design by constraints: Hitman Go postmortem comes to GDC 2015

Developers, how would you go about bringing a big-budget game franchise like Hitman to the mobile market as a standalone product in a way that best takes advantages of the platform's strengths?

It's a tricky question, but you'll likely find at least one good answer in the GDC 2015 talk "Design by Constraints: Hitman GO Design Postmortem." Check it to see Square Enix Montreal's Daniel Lutz, the game director behind Hitman GO, deliver a design postmortem on the game and its unorthodox design concept: an extremely minimalistic turn-based strategy game with diorama-style set pieces.

Shadow of Mordor, Bayonetta 2 and Hearthstone grab key Choice Awards nominations

Organizers have revealed the finalists for the 15th annual Game Developers Choice Awards, the leading peer-based video game event celebrating the industry's top games and developers.

Winners in all categories will be honored at the Game Developers Choice Awards ceremony, taking place on Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 at 6:30pm at the San Francisco Moscone Center during the 2015 Game Developers Conference alongside the Independent Games Festival Awards.

Dead Secret dev shares mobile VR game design tips at GDC 2015

Developing virtual reality games is largely uncharted territory at this point; making mobile VR games is even less well understood, and it offers a set of unique design challenges.

Developers interested in charting a course through mobile VR game development would be wise to look for advice from trailblazers like Robot Invader, who rebuilt its moody murder mystery game Dead Secret to accommodate mobile VR devices (like Samsung's Gear VR headset) in the summer of 2014. 

At GDC 2015, Robot Invader chief taskmaster Chris Pruett will explain how they did it -- and what they learned along the way -- in a talk entitled "Designing for Mobile VR in Dead Secret."

Videogame History Museum returns to GDC with prized Atari exhibit

As the 2015 Game Developers Conference draws closer, organizers are pleased to confirm that attendees of the March conference can look forward to the return of the perennially popular Videogame History Museum exhibit.

After the success of last year's Nintendo exhibit, and to commemorate Warren Robinett's groundbreaking Adventure on the Atari 2600 -- which he'll be deconstructing in an Adventure Classic Game Postmortem during the show -- The Videogame History Museum will be building an amazing interactive exhibit within the conference hall paying tribute to the history of Atari. 

Warren Robinett talks Adventure in GDC 2015 Classic Game Postmortem

As the new year heats up around us, Game Developers Conference 2015 officials are excited to announce that another game industry luminary is coming to the show in March to deliver an informative, insightful postmortem of a seminal game.

Warren Robinett, the veteran programmer, designer and The Learning Company founder known for his groundbreaking game design work at Atari, TLC and NASA, is coming to GDC 2015 to deliver a Classic Game Postmortem on the creation of his hit 1979 game Adventure for the Atari 2600 console. 

Adventure is particularly notable for (among other things) being one of the first graphical action-adventure games ever released. Adventure also contained one of the earliest known "Easter eggs" ever hidden in a game by a designer -- in this case, a hidden screen revealing Robinett's name and authorship at a time when Atari was unwilling to publicly credit game makers for their work. Thus his efforts to create Adventure meaningfully advanced both the practice of game development and the fight for developers to be recognized for their work.

Mike Bithell explains how to polish your indie game at GDC 2015

Independent developers often spend countless hours crafting the perfect gameplay experience...but how much time do they spend finishing that perfect gameplay experience?

Indie game maker Mike Bithell (Thomas Was AloneVolume) has spent a lot of time thinking about how you can make the most of the last ten percent of your development time, and at GDC 2015 he'll share his learnings with attendees in a talk entitled "Indie Polish: Making the Most of the Last 10%."

2015 Independent Games Festival announces Main Competition finalists

The Independent Games Festival (IGF) juries have announced the Main Competition finalists for its prestigious 17th annual awards, honoring the most influential and outstanding development in independent video games. The IGF has nominated over 30 extraordinary game titles released in the past year.

Candidates for the 2015 IGF Awards were distributed to a group of esteemed evaluators from across the industry for evaluation. Expert juries specializing in distinct disciplines for each category then selected the IGF finalists following playthroughs and recommendations from the nearly 650 IGF Main Competition entrants.

This year's finalists are led by various standout titles nominated for multiple awards, including inkle's globe-trotting interactive fiction game 80 Days, Croteam's philosophical first-person puzzle game The Talos Principle and the brutally earnest wartime survival simulator This War Of Mine from 11 Bit Studios.

Written on your eyeballs: Game narrative in VR at GDC 2015

As VR game design grows ever more popular it's going to be critical for game narratives to be fully integrated with gameplay, rather than being segregated in cutscenes.  

Relying on his experience designing stories and optimizing dialogue for VR-native games, Rob Morgan is coming to GDC 2015 in March to show you how to craft compelling stories with limited resources and simplified mechanics in his Summit session "Written On Your Eyeballs: Game Narrative in VR."

More esteemed developers, artists join IGF Jury Panels

The juries behind GDC 2015's Independent Games Festival continue to take form with an exciting lineup of highly lauded developers and industry professionals to decide the finalists for the awards this March.

2015 IGF Main Competition finalists will be announced later this week, but in advance of that, following the announcement of the jurors taking part in our Excellence in Design and Excellence in Audio panels, below you can find the confirmed jurors for our remaining juries.

These are Excellence in Visual Arts, and Excellence in Audio Awards, and our special Nuovo award, recognizing excellence in shorter-form, more esoteric games. The remaining juries being announced today are as follows:

Destiny's multithreaded rendering architecture explained at GDC 2015

Building a cutting-edge multi-platform graphics engine is tricky business. 

Contemporary developers know that modern consoles sport varied, multi-core computational architectures that differ vastly in performance and memory characteristics.

To optimally take advantage of all available resources, a game engine must be designed from the ground up for job-based multithreading. At GDC 2015, Bungie's own Natalya Tatarchuk will delve into the renderer developed for Destiny in a talk titled (simply enough) "Destiny's Multithreaded Rendering Architecture." 

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