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Improve your game dev teaching skills at the GDC Education Summit

Now that we're about a month out from this year's Game Developers Conference, organizers are eager to let you know about some of the great education-focused talks that will be taking place during the March conference.

Each of these talks is part of the GDC Education Summit, one of eight that will take place Monday, March 14th and Tuesday, March 15th at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA during the first two days of the conference.

Each Summit offers a comprehensive overview of a specific game industry discipline, and this year the GDC Education Summit has a strong lineup that features talks like Eric Zimmerman's "How I Teach Game Design: Lessons for Working Game Designers."

Here are the games you'll play when Day of the Devs comes to GDC

The Game Developers Conference is weeks away, and today organizers are happy to reveal more details about the games that will be playable at the show as part of the inaugural Day of the Devs interactive space at GDC 2016.

More than a dozen games from an assortment of the industry's most intriguing minds will be taking up residence inside San Francisco's Moscone Convention Center in the Day of the Devs area, which is conveniently located near the iam8bit interactive space. 

GDC attendees are encouraged to swing by between talks and appointments to play the games and chat with their creators, which include folks who have worked on everything from Papers, Please and LittleBigPlanet to Guacamelee! and Super Time Force.

Hone your artistic vision at the GDC 2016 Art Direction Bootcamp

Heads up, game creators: GDC 2016 organizers would like to give you a preview of the informative and intriguing sessions taking place during the day-long Art Direction Bootcamp which will help kick off the conference next month.

This is just one of the many Bootcamps and Tutorials scheduled during the first two days of GDC (Monday and Tuesday, March 14th and 15th this year) and offer attendees the chance to focus on the critical components of a game's art direction, and its creators' broader artistic vision.

GDC 2016 attendees are invited to attend the Monday bootcamp and join the leading artistic forces of our industry as they share their experiences and discuss some of the most important issues of the day.

Attend VRDC at GDC to learn from Lucasfilm's VR experts

VR creators, take note: GDC 2016 organizers are excited to welcome VR experts and experimenters from Lucasfilm's cutting-edge ILMxLAB to speak at the Virtual Reality Developers Conference in March.

VRDC is a bit like a sister conference to GDC proper, one divided into Game VR/AR and Entertainment VR/AR tracks to help attendees find the talks most interesting to them.

As part of the latter track, ILMxLAB head Rob Bredow, principal engineer Lutz Latta and Skywalker Sound audio engineer Kevin Bolen will be delivering a great talk about "Immersive Cinema: Stories from the experiments underway at Lucasfilm's ILMxLAB."

Tracy Fullerton and Markus 'Notch' Persson to receive top GDCA honors

The 16th Annual Game Developers Choice Awards, the peer-awarded highest honors in video game development, has revealed this year's recipients of the Pioneer and Ambassador awards. The Game Developers Choice Awards ceremony takes place on Wednesday, March 16th at 6:30 pm at the Moscone Convention Center during the 2016 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, and will be livestreamed on the GDCA Twitch channel.

The Pioneer Award, which honors breakthrough tech and game design milestones, will this year honor Markus "Notch" Persson, the famed creator of the 2011 GDCA and IGF Award-winning indie sandbox title, Minecraft. The Ambassador Award, honoring someone who is helping video games advance to a better place through advocacy or action, will be bestowed upon experimental game designer and educator Tracy Fullerton, in recognition of her work at the Game Innovation Lab, which has produced several influential independent games like fl0w and Darfur is Dying.

Get practical game dev tips from Amazon and Google at GDC 2016

Game Developers Conference organizers are excited to highlight some promising day-long sponsored developer days for GDC 2016 next month that offer cutting-edge insights into the art and business of game development from Amazon, Imagination Technologies and Google.

These developer day sessions take place during the first two days of GDC: Monday and Tuesday, March 14th and 15th at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.

Google is back this year to host a full day of fresh insight, announcements and discussion. In the morning, you'll hear about how to develop great games, grow your user base and earn more money. Then download a ton of tips from Google's Lightning Talks.

GDC: See how DICE used photogrammetry to bring Star Wars Battlefront to life

GDC 2016 is coming up next month, and today the folks putting it together would like to let you know about a brilliant talk from EA DICE senior artists on how the studio used photography and photogrammetry techniques to create the striking visuals of Star Wars Battlefront.

If you're not familiar with photogrammetry, know that it's essentially the work of processing still images to produce high-resolution 3D meshes. To see how the DICE team used it on Battlefront, check out "Photogrammetry and Star Wars Battlefront", part of the popular Visual Arts track of talks at GDC 2016, to see DICE technical art director Kenneth Brown and lead environment artist Andrew Hamilton breaking down how and why they used photogrammetry tech to recreate the world of Star Wars.

This talk will cover Battlefront's use of of the technology from pre-production to launch as well as some of their philosophies around photogrammetry as a tool. Many visuals will be included!

Vote now for the 2016 IGF and Game Developers Choice Audience Awards!

Game Developers Conference officials are excited to announce that voting for both the Game Developers Choice Audience Award and the Independent Games Festival Audience Award is open now, and will remain open through next Friday, February 19th at 11:59 PM PT.

These Audience Awards offer the public an opportunity to weigh in and cast a vote for their favorite nominees. Anyone who would like to do so can visit the links below, select the name of the game they'd like to vote for from a list of nominees, and enter a valid email address. Voters will then confirm their vote via email, and have their opinions heard in these prestigious award shows.

Anyone who would like to vote for the GDCA and IGF Audience Awards can cast their votes using the links below. Voters simply need to select the game they are voting for, and enter a valid email address. Email addresses will not be distributed, and organizers will delete your information after the poll has closed.

See Pokemon GO deconstructed at GDC's Smartphone & Tablet Games Summit

With the 2016 Game Developers Conference right around the corner, organizers would like to highlight some of the great talks taking place at the conference's Smartphone & Tablet Games Summit to ensure you don't miss out on some great mobile game development insights.

If you're at all interested in the art and business of making successful mobile games, these talks are worth making time for because they'll help shed some light on how contemporary game designers are adapting and applying their skills to the rapidly-shifting mobile landscape.

Niantic's upcoming augmented-reality Pokemon mobile game Pokemon GO is a fine example, and you can learn how it's being developed from Niantic chief John Hanke in his Summit session "Catch 'Em All: Pokemon GO and Real World Gaming."

Spend a day sharpening your level design skills at GDC 2016

Heads up, game makers: GDC 2016 organizers would like to give you a preview of the informative and intriguing sessions taking place during the day-long Level Design In A Day tutorial which will help kick off the conference next month.

This is just one of the many Bootcamps and Tutorials scheduled during the first two days of GDC (Monday and Tuesday, March 14th and 15th this year) and offer attendees the chance to focus on the critical components of a game's art direction, and its creators' broader artistic vision.

GDC 2016 attendees are invited to attend the Tuesday tutorial and join the leading design minds of our industry as they share their experiences and discuss some of the most important issues of the day.

Come to GDC for a behind-the-scenes look at Vainglory's eSports success

Heads up, eSports enthusiasts: GDC 2016 is just weeks away, and today organizers are pleased to announce another great talk for the March conference that should shed light on the rapidly-evolving art of designing mobile games for competitive play.

Kristian Segerstrale, COO and executive director of Super Evil Megacorp, will share some lessons learned from the development and promotion of the studio's standout mobile MOBA Vainglory.

In "The Vainglory Story -- 5 Lessons From Building a Touch Screen eSport," Segerstrale intends to share key learnings from building Vainglory from nothing into an emerging eSport with hundreds of teams and millions of views in less than a year.

It's one of many excellent talks in the GDC 2016 eSports Summit, and attendees will glean concrete examples and lessons from evolving a game into an eSport in under a year from launch with plenty of practical advice for developers and publishers alike.

The talk is one of many that will take place during the eight focused Summits at GDC, which fill the first two days of the event with lectures, panels, postmortems, and more to foster community-building within specific sectors of the game industry.

These 15 games will be playable in the Indie Megabooth Showcase at GDC 2016

The 2016 Game Developers Conference is just around the corner, and today organizers would like to let you know two things:

1. Passes are still available, so get yours now!

2. The Indie MEGABOOTH Showcase is back at GDC for the third year running, and today we have the full list of games that will be playable in the MEGABOOTH by all GDC passholders (from Expo to All-Access) at various points during the March 14th-18th week of GDC 2016.

The Indie MEGABOOTH Showcase is a collection of independent developers banding together to show off the latest and greatest indie games at conventions across the world. The MEGABOOTH exists to support indie developers and help pool their resources to enable them to showcase their work prominently, despite not having access to publisher support.

Get to know the 2016 Independent Games Festival finalists in Gamasutra's Road to the IGF series

If you'd like to get familiar with the developers of the Independent Games Festival, leading online game dev destination Gamasutra has an easy way to do that! 
Check out Gamasutra's Road to the IGF series, where you can learn about the tools, inspirations, and backgrounds of developers behind games such as Panoramical, Darkest Dungeon, Her Story, Oxenfree, and the rest of the 2016 IGF finalists.
Some choice quotes from this year's series (which is updated daily): 
"Developing in Early Access is like working while naked in a transparent cube suspended above Times Square." - Tyler Sigman, Darkest Dungeon 
"My first foray into making games was in the form of modifying Half-Life, which at the time I felt didn't include enough Pokemon nor Steven Seagal." - Ben Kane, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes 

GDC: See how Paradox balances historical accuracy with good game design

As the GDC 2016 lineup locks into place, organizers would like to highlight another great Design track talk at next month's conference that you should know about.

With "History In Game Design" Paradox Interactive senior game designer Chris King is going to delve into the tricky balancing act that comes with making games about historical events.

Not all history naturally lends itself to good mechanics, so you need to develop solutions to bring history into your game, while at the same time ensuring you have a fun and compelling gameplay.

Paradox is no stranger to this tricky balancing act, having created game series like Crusader Kings (pictured) and Europa Universalis, and during his talk King will share some of the solutions Paradox has devised. Don't miss it!

Todd Howard will receive a Lifetime Achievement Award at GDC 2016

The 16th Annual Game Developers Choice Awards, the premier peer-based awards celebrating game development, will be recognizing Bethesda Game Studios' Todd Howard, who has created some of the industry's most successful games by pioneering open world gameplay, with the Lifetime Achievement Award for his indelible contributions to the world of gaming.

The Game Developers Choice Awards ceremony takes place on Wednesday, March 16th at 6:30 pm at the Moscone Convention Center during the 2016 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, and will be livestreamed on Twitch at the following link:

Todd Howard, distinguished video game creative director, designer and executive producer, has been at Bethesda for 22 years and is behind some of the industry's most successful and beloved games, including a number of blockbusters within the Fallout and The Elder Scrolls series.

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