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These 15 games will be playable in the Indie Megabooth Showcase at GDC 2016

The 2016 Game Developers Conference is just around the corner, and today organizers would like to let you know two things:

1. Passes are still available, so get yours now!

2. The Indie MEGABOOTH Showcase is back at GDC for the third year running, and today we have the full list of games that will be playable in the MEGABOOTH by all GDC passholders (from Expo to All-Access) at various points during the March 14th-18th week of GDC 2016.

The Indie MEGABOOTH Showcase is a collection of independent developers banding together to show off the latest and greatest indie games at conventions across the world. The MEGABOOTH exists to support indie developers and help pool their resources to enable them to showcase their work prominently, despite not having access to publisher support.

The organizers work with more than 150 independent game studios to select a variety of games across multiple platforms -- including mobile, PC, console and more -- for exhibition at prominent game industry events, and this year they're coming to GDC 2016 with 15 games that will be playable as part of the Indie MEGABOOTH Showcase.

Indie MEGABOOTH Showcase Game Lineup

All games will be playable in the Indie MEGABOOTH Showcase exhibit inside the Moscone Convention Center during GDC 2016.

GDC 2016 itself will take place March 14-18th at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. For more information on GDC 2016, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


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