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You can still apply for a free GDC pass via the GDC Scholarship Program

Organizers of the Game Developers Conference have once again donated a number of complimentary GDC 2016 passes to a variety of organizations through the GDC Scholarship Program, and the deadline to apply for some these scholarships is coming up quick.

GDC has been donating passes for students since 2001, and conference officials have built this year's list of partner organizations in an effort to make the event more accessible. 

You can still apply for a free pass to GDC 2016 through scholarships with programs like I Need Diverse Games and Pixelles, but deadlines are looming, so now's the time to check out the requirements of your ideal scholarship from the list of available partner organizations and submit your application.

PSA: One week left to submit your alternative controller games to ALT.CTRL.GDC!

Game Developers Conference 2016 organizers would like to cheerfully remind the game development community that the call for submissions to ALT.CTRL.GDC --the on-site special exhibit focusing on unique control methods for playing games -- will end next Monday, December 7th.

Those interested in participating in ALT.CTRL.GDC should fill out this online form in its entirety before the December 7th deadline. Any questions about the form or the exhibit should be directed to ALT.CTRL.GDC's organizer, John Polson.

As always, teams for each chosen submission will be asked to showcase their games to GDC attendees at the ALT.CTRL.GDC exhibit area on the expo show floor. They'll also receive a pair of All-Access Passes and a pair of Expo Passes, for a total of four free passes to GDC 2016.

Come to GDC 2016 to get hard data on how crunch makes games worse

Game Developers Conference 2016 officials are working hard to organize a great show next year, and today they're happy to reveal two new talks for the March conference that explore what it takes to survive and thrive in the contemporary game industry.

Speakers Bob Bates and Paul Tozour are longstanding members of the game development community who have accumulated a wealth of practical experience, and each of them will share their learnings in talks that span multiple tracks of GDC 2016 talks.

Top designers share their personal techniques at GDC 2016

As the 2016 Game Developers Conference approaches, organizers are excited to announce two new sessions for the big show that will challenge your expectations about the art and design of video games.

From new rules of game design to the practical realities of art direction in contemporary games, these two talks demonstrate the breadth of experiences available to GDC attendees.

In "Rules of the Game: Five More Techniques from Quite Inventive Designers," a panel of designers that includes Richard Rouse III (Paranoid Productions), Michael de Plater (Monolith Productions), Emily Short (Independent), Liz England (Insomniac Games), Lee Perry (Independent) and Jason VandenBerghe (Ubisoft) will take the stage to share their own unique, personal pieces of game design wisdom.

Expect to hear very specific, practical and unique game design rules from veterans of the industry, rules you can then take home and apply to your own work.

Get inside the minds of Tom Clancy's The Division NPCs at GDC 2016

Game Developers Conference organizers are working hard to program a great lineup of talks at GDC 2016 next March, and today they're excited to debut another pair of great Summit sessions for the show.

The eight focused Summits at GDC fill the first two days of the event with lectures, panels, postmortems, and more to foster community-building within specific sectors of the game industry. 

As part of the cutting-edge AI Summit Tom Clancy's The Division developers Philip Dunstan and Drew Rechner deliver an in-depth talk on "Creating the NPCs of Tom Clancy's The Division." 

NPC designer Rechner and AI programmer Dunstan will show, from design through to implementation, how the NPC AI handles the combination of open-world gameplay and designer-scripted encounters that exist in The Division. Particular focus will be placed on the ways in which level designers can influence the NPC systemic behavior, both before and during combat, to create interesting combat encounters.

Don't miss designer and consultant Ian Hamilton's return to GDC 2016 to discuss "Mobile Devices and Disabled Gamers" as part of the conference's popular Smartphone & Tablet Game Summit.

Get into the mix of Forza Motorsport 6's audio at GDC 2016

Game Developers Conference organizers are working hard to program a great lineup of talks at GDC 2016 next March, and today they're excited to debut two more standout sessions from expert speakers.

It's basically race day today, as both of these fresh talks deal directly with the nuts and bolts of how some of the world's leading racing game developers do what they do best.

How do you capture the roar of an engine and make it feel authentic to someone sitting on a couch, with a gamepad in their hand? The audio lead and audio creative director of Turn 10 Studios, Chase Combs and Nick Wiswell, will walk you through the process in their GDC 2016 talk "Simulating the Race Day Experience: Mixing Forza Motorsport 6." 

Steal that look: Skylanders dev shares rendering tips at GDC 2016

As the 2016 Game Developers Conference draws nigh, organizers reveal two more expert sessions aimed at advancing both our understanding and our appreciation for the art of game development.

Both of these talks dig into the nitty-gritty details of good graphical design, though one focuses more on practical tricks to using mixed resolution rendering to best effect while the other revolves around how developers can use severely limited color palettes to create entrancing, memorable games.

Learn new ways to craft epic boss battle AI at GDC 2016

Game Developers Conference organizers are working hard to program a great lineup of talks at GDC 2016 next March, and today they're excited to debut another pair of great Summit sessions for the show.

The eight focused Summits at GDC fill the first two days of the event with lectures, panels, postmortems, and more to foster community-building within specific sectors of the game industry. 

At the ever-popular AI Summit Daniel Brewer, lead AI programmer at Digital Extremes, will share practical advice on crafting great boss AI gleaned from his experience on popular free-to-play online shooter Warframe. 

Attend GDC 2016 and learn to avoid common game dev cognitive biases

With Game Developers Conference 2016 on the horizon, organizers are pleased to announce a fresh pair of talks for the March conference that showcase the diverse variety of expert sessions available at this year's show.

Both of these tallks have a foothold in the Business, Marketing and Management track at GDC 2016, with one branching out into the Advocacy track to talk about how cognitive biases shape teams and studios while the other touches on the Production track by digging into common mistakes made during free-to-play game development.

Get fresh design inspiration from classic TRS-80 games at GDC 2016

As the 2016 Game Developers Conference approaches, organizers are today announcing a fresh pair of expert sessions aimed at advancing both our understanding and our appreciation for the art of game development.

Both of these talks dig into programming and design, though one looks to the past for inspiration and education while the other touches on some of the cutting-edge programming work being done by the developers of Rainbow Six Siege.

Released in 1979, the TRS-80 is often looked back on as a horribly constrained machine that nevertheless saw some great game releases in its day. At GDC 2012 veteran game maker Jim McGinley dug into quite a few of them for his "Inspiration from the Trash" talk, and it proved so popular that he's coming back to GDC 2016 to unearth another crop of TRS-80 games worth studying. 

Get game writing advice from a Dragon Age writer at GDC 2016

Game Developers Conference organizers are proud to debut another pair of Summit sessions in which game industry experts will share their hard-won knowledge at GDC 2016 next March.

The eight focused Summits at GDC fill the first two days of the conference with lectures, panels, postmortems, and more to foster community-building within specific sectors of the game industry. 

Game writers may appreciate that Disruptor Beam's Jennifer Hepler, a former BioWare writer best known for her remarkable work on multiple Dragon Age games, will be sharing her learnings during the Game Narrative Summit

Come to GDC 2016 and see how Retro City Rampage was ported to DOS

With the 2016 Game Developers Conference on the horizon, event organizers are excited to debut another pair of intriguing sessions that should shed light on the art of developing games.

Both of these talks appear on the Programming track of talks at GDC 2016, with one focusing on the practical challenges of creating gorgeous environmental art for mobile games while the other digs into the fun challenges of porting modern games to MS-DOS (and the joys of programming in general.)

IGF 2016 celebrates a diverse lineup of over 750 entrants

The 18th annual Independent Games Festival -- the longest-running and largest showcase for independent developers -- recently closed its call for submissions, and officials are proud to announce the festival has received over 750 entries for the IGF 2016 Competition.

The festival -- which is co-located with Game Developers Conference 2016 -- attracted that striking number of submissions from students, established indie developers and first-time entrants alike.

Land Sliders dev shares Prettygreat mobile game design tips at GDC 2016

Game Developers Conference organizers are working hard to program a great lineup of talks at GDC 2016 next March, and today they're excited to debut the first of what promises to be many standout Summit sessions.

The eight focused Summits at GDC fill the first two days of the event with lectures, panels, postmortems, and more to foster community-building within specific sectors of the game industry. 

As part of the popular Smartphone & Tablet Games Summit, Prettygreat cofounder Luke Muscat (known for designing games like Fruit Ninja and Jetpack Joyride while at Halfbrick) will showcase how he and the Prettygreat team designed and fine-tuned the intuitive touch controls of the studio's debut game Land Sliders (pictured.)

Pitch your game prototypes to GDC's Experimental Gameplay Workshop

Good news, game developers: Organizers of the Experimental Gameplay Workshop have this week issued a call for submissions of your cool new (playable!) video game prototypes. The more offbeat and experimental, the better.

Selected titles will earn a slot in the two-hour Experimental Gameplay Workshop session at GDC 2016 in San Francisco, which aims to showcase an eclectic mix of unusual game concepts that explore new ideas and genres.

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