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Today's the last day to get your GDC Summer advance registration discount

Just a quick reminder that today is your final day to register early for GDC Summer, the first all-digital GDC event, at a discount rate!

Everyone who registers to attend GDC Summer before 11:59 PM Pacific today (Wednesday, July 22nd) will get discounted access to the high-quality game development talks and tutorials that GDC attendees are accustomed to, as well as some new interactive content and convivial online events that take advantage of GDC Summer's digital format. 

As part of GDC Summer's new interactive Ask Me Anything sessions, for example, game industry veteran Rod Fergusson will present "Ask Me Anything: Production Q&A with Rod Fergusson"; attend to enjoy a frank conversation with Fergusson about the ins and outs of game production and studio leadership, with lots of relevant examples and reflections from Fergusson's 21-year career in game development. 

And there's lots of traditional talks to enjoy as well. Blackbird CCO Rory McGuire will be at GDC Summer to present "Forging 'Hardspace: Shipbreaker': Creating Processes for Original IPs", a Design track talk that will give you an inside look at how Shipbreaker was launched into Early Access, and how the studio is structured to produce unusual and original games.

Don't miss out on this intriguing talk, as you can expect to learn Blackbird's process of creating the IP and its unusual gameplay as well as the rules and processes it implemented to “protect” the game from idea fatigue, other company opportunities and, ultimately, the team itself.

GDC Summer attendees can also look forward to an array of sessions aimed at expanding your understanding of the diversity of the game industry, its history, and your place in it. As part of the GDC Summer Advocacy track of talks, for example, game dev veteran Brenda Romero will present "Hidden Histories", an insightful and informative look back at the legacies of women who contributed mightily to the advancement of computers and programming, yet were overlooked by history.

The history of women in computing has largely been lost, like the histories of factory workers who built the first cars. Yet women invented programming, were the original developers for the ENIAC, created assembly language, developed the first compiler (not to mention the terms “compiler” and “bug”), and were instrumental to the development of many seminal programming languages.

Find out what happened next month in this illuminating GDC Summer talk, which promises to be equal parts cultural excavation and celebration; you'll walk away with a better understanding of how these forgotten legacies still affect us today.

Register now to take advantage of this opportunity and save money on your pass to GDC Summer, which takes place August 4th through 6th in a new, completely online format that will be accessible to our global audience of game developers!

For more details on GDC Summer, scheduled to take place virtually August 4th through the 6th, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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