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See how economic downturns shaped games throughout history at GDC 2018

Preparations for the 2018 Game Developers Conference are well underway, and today organizers want to take a minute to let you know about a really promising talk that's taking place during the big event in San Francisco next March.

Specifically, GDC organizers are happy to welcome back Untame creative director Julia Keren Detar, who has put together a great GDC 2018 presentation on "History Shaping Design: How Economic Downturns Shape Play."

It's a very timely talk, one meant to focus on how a changing economy can shape a design's success and downfall -- and how games (both tabletop/board games and video games) have shaped modern interaction with financial products. This historical perspective might help devs understand outside circumstances when designing games that can alter behavioral patterns.

With a focus on the Great Depression and Great Recession, Detar aims to talk about the types of games that became popular, how they differed and how, in turn, game design seeps back out into financial lives through gamified financial products.

It promises to be a fascinating talk, one you won't want to miss. Plus, we have lots more great GDC 2018 announcements to make in the coming months. For more information about GDC 2018 visit the show's official website, and subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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