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Registration is now open for GDC 2018!

Good news, everyone: Game Developers Conference 2018 is now open for registration!

Join the global game development community for an unparalleled week of education, inspiration and networking at GDC.

View GDC 2018 passes and prices and register early to get the best price. Plus, some passes have limited quantities -- so if you’re interested, don't wait!

GDC 2018 will take place March 19th through the 23rd at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA. As always, GDC Conference tracks span all major facets of game development - from in-depth business strategy to hardcore design and programming sessions.

The conference will host deep dives into key topics in GDC Summits and Tutorials – spanning indie, mobile, UX, narrative & many more deep dives, as well as VRDC@GDC, focused on virtual and augmented reality for games and entertainment.

This year, VRDC@GDC access is included in the All Access Pass, and can also be added on to a GDC Conference+Summits, GDC Conference, or GDC Summit pass.

Alongside all this, the GDC Expo will showcase all of the most relevant game development tools, platforms and services helping to drive the industry forward, alongside a raft of country-specific pavilions, playable games in the GDC Play area, and more.

GDC 2018 will also host curated interactive spaces, including the popular Alt.Ctrl.GDC alternative controller exhibit (which is still seeking submissions), the Indie Megabooth Showcase, the Day of the Devs game lounge, and the GDC Retro Play retro gaming area (which is also accepting submissions)!

GDC will also feature the 20th annual Independent Games Festival, the longest-running and largest festival relating to independent games worldwide, where original games compete for the attention of the publishing community, and the 18th annual Game Developers Choice Awards, the premier accolades for peer-recognition in the digital games industry. So don't delay -- come join us!

For more information about GDC 2018 visit the show's official website, and subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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