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Nvidia, Unity, Microsoft and more sponsor innovative talks at GDC

We're a month away from the 2018 Game Developers Conference, and organizers want to ensure you don't miss the variety of cutting-edge sponsored sessions from Microsoft, Nvidia, Unity, and more.

You'll want to bookmark these talks if you're looking for first-hand insight into how the latest hardware and software works -- and how you can use it to make great games.

Nvidia, for example, is sponsoring a plethora of fascinating talks, including "Deep Learning for Game Developers", in which Nvidia's Bryan Catanzaro will discuss research on some of the most interesting new ways to apply deep learning to problems such as content creation, graphics, text, and speech. This talk will give you a sense of the current capabilities of deep learning, as well as where the field is headed!

If you're looking for something more transformative, consider Unity's sponsored session on "A Data-Oriented Approach to Parallelizing Hierarchical Transforms." Presented by longtime game dev and Unity principal engineer Mike Acton, this talk will arm you with a method to examine your own hierarchical transformations to redesign them using data-oriented principles, in addition to specific concrete data layout examples which you can also to improve your own systems.

And in this age of live games, you won't want to skip Microsoft's sponsored "Azure Partner Presentation: Intelligent Backend for LiveOps" session. The presentation aims to demonstrate how successful game studios have embraced the promise of LiveOps to extend a game's life after launch by developing relationships with players through offering frequent updates, in-game events, and promotional offers.

Expect to learn how thousands of game developers have boosted engagement and monetization for millions of active players a month while cutting costs, lowering risk, and speeding up time to market!

For more details on them and all other announced talks head over to the online GDC 2018 Session Scheduler.

For more information about GDC 2018, which runs March 19th through the 23rd, visit the show's official website, and subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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