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Make sure to take advantage of Business Matchmaking at GDC 2018!

You may have heard that the 2018 Game Developers Conference is just two months away, and that means now is a great time for attendees and exhibitors to start arranging onsite meetings with each other using GDC Connect business matchmaking!

This popular online tool allows the majority of GDC attendees to identify, contact, and request and receive meetings with GDC exhibitors of all kinds, either in exhibitor booths or the special GDC Connect Lounge.

GDC Connect is available to all pass types except Expo, and Expo passholders can still upgrade to an Expo Plus pass to secure access to this popular meeting tool.

Once you've registered for GDC, your profile will be automatically created. Simply login, update your profile and start searching for meeting opportunities immediately. This personalized, easy-to-use tool allows you to search for connections by their job and company focus, and geographic location. Send meeting requests to create an on-site schedule that fits your objectives, and connect with potential partners!

Attendees seeking more information on the show's session lineup should check out GDC 2018's official Schedule Builder, which continues to add new talks every week.

And if you haven't already done so, don't miss your opportunity to save money by registering early -- the deadline to register for passes at a discounted rate is next week -- January 31, 2018!

For more information on GDC 2018, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


Connecting the Global Game Development Community