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Learn to survive and thrive in the face of failure at GDC 2015

Making games is remarkably hard, and every seasoned developer must learn how to handle setbacks and outright failures with aplomb.

With that in mind, Game Developers Conference 2015 officials seek to highlight a set of notable sessions aimed at helping you be productive in the face of failure.

A group of experienced independent developers will host a "Failure Workshop" as part of the GDC 2015 Independent Games Summit. When the game industry fathers there's a strong bias towards talking about success, but failure can often be more instructive; in this session, game makers will speak candidly about those times when development didn't go well, when things didn't work out, and will share the hard-won lessons from their painful misadventures.

Finally, the "Epic Fail Microtalks: Four Mobile Games, Four Flops and Tons of Lessons Learned" panel during the Smartphone & Tablet Games Summit will see four successful game developers each talking about one of their failed games. From game design to production to launch to post-launch marketing, each of these games followed different roads to failure. Check it out to hear real talk and real numbers about real games that failed, and the lessons you can learn from them.

Of course, there's also a bunch of other great talks available for your perusal via the online GDC 2015 Session Scheduler. There you can start planning your conference schedule and export it to the up-to-the-minute GDC Mobile App to get the most from your GDC experience.

For more information on GDC 2015, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.

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