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Learn about the future of VR and the design of Google Earth VR at VRDC Fall 2017!

Good news, VR enthusiasts: Organizers of the Virtual Reality Developers Conference are proud to announce another pair of great sessions for VRDC Fall 2017, which is happening September 21-22 at a bigger, better venue in San Francisco!

Both of these sessions are part of the Innovation track of talks at VRDC Fall 2017, which is all about providing attendees opportunities to meet and learn from experts who are blazing a trail at the frontier of VR and AR development.

Notably, a number of folks who worked on the remarkable Google Earth VR will be speaking at VRDC Fall 2017 about how they designed a comfortable, intuitive interface people can use to navigate the entire world in VR.

In their talk on "UX in Google Earth VR", Google UX lead Adam Glazier and Google engineers Nadav Ashkenazi and Per Karlsson will discuss the work of building an interface that allows you to virtually circumnavigate the globe by flying, dragging, rotating, teleporting and searching.

To maintain usability, immersion and comfort, each navigation mode went through rounds of iteration and user testing -- this talk pulls the lid off the UX insights and implementation details that helped make or break each mode of navigation. Don't skip it!

Also, VRDC Fall 2017 will play host to Kim Pallister, director of Intel's VR Center of Excellence. In his talk on "What VR Hardware Research can teach about VR Software's Future", Pallister will open up about some "proof of concept" VR hardware and software experiments Intel has done, and what lessons devs can learn from them as they think about future projects.

For example, PC HMDs with portions of the software pipeline in the HMD, wireless HMD interfaces, biometric sensors, and computer vision systems embedded in HMDs are just a few of the areas of research Pallister plans to break down in his talk.

It promises to be a fascinating session, and course conference officials look forward to announcing many more fantastic VRDC Fall 2017 talks in the weeks ahead.

For now, don't miss the opportunity to save money by registering for the conference early -- the deadline to register for passes at a discounted rate is next Wednesday, May 24th, 2017!

Since tickets sold out for the first three VRDC events, VRDC Fall 2017 will offer more sessions and move to a bigger location at the Hilton Union Square in San Francisco, CA September 21-22.

For more information on VRDC Fall 2017, visit the show's official website and subscribe to regular updates via Twitter and Facebook.



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