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Learn to build better, more accessible games for PC and VR

When you arrive in San Francisco this March for the Game Developers Conference you're going to have a lot of cool talks to choose from, so organizers wanted to take a moment to quickly highlight a particularly interesting one from the folks at Funomena.

Specifically, CEO Robin Hunicke, who will be giving a fantastic talk (part of the Game VR/AR track of talks within the VRDC @ GDC portion of the show) that's all about "The Story of 'Luna': Designing Accessible PC and VR Experiences."

Based on Funomena's own experience designing and shipping its interactive fairytale Luna on both VR and non-VR platforms, Hunicke will provide attendees with a clear checklist of things to consider while developing a title that can be appreciated by both PC and VR/MR players.

This is important because PC games are established (and therefore lucrative), but VR, AR and MR experiences are clearly a future for game developers. So if you're already looking towards that future, why not build your next title for both audiences?

You won't want to miss it, as well as the many more GDC 2018 announcements we'll be making in the coming months! For more information about GDC 2018 head over to the show's official website, and subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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