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Google and Autodesk sponsor cutting-edge dev sessions at GDC 2017

Heads up, game makers: Game Developers Conference organizers would like to briefly let you know about some of the great day-long sponsored developer days taking place at GDC 2017 next month!

These developer day sessions take place during the first two days of GDC (Monday and Tuesday, February 27th and 28th) and offer cutting-edge insight and learnings from some of the top players in the industry.

For example, Google is back this year to host a full day of fresh discussion, announcements and learnings, starting at 10 AM sharp on Monday.

Make time to check out Google's dev day talks and you'll learn about how the company is ramping up efforts to help game developers grow their businesses and make Android a great platform for games. From Play store updates optimized for discovery and engagement, to performance upgrades making high fidelity gaming come to life on Android devices, Google will lay out its roadmap for games in 2017.

Later in the day, Google will host a variety of lightning talks and panel discussions about important topics like how to successfully launch a game on Google Play, how to support and grow a community of players for your mobile games, and what indie devs like Schell Games, Disruptor Beam, and Klei Entertainment have learned after successfully launching their games on Android.

After that, consider checking out Autodesk's day of sponsored dev talks, which are scheduled to take place throughout Tuesday. To open the day, Autodesk will share what it's working on, where it think the games industry is going, and what the company is doing to prepare for the workflows of tomorrow.

Attendees will also gain interesting insight from internal Autodesk R&D projects, as well as things the company has learned by working closely with game studios. Whether it's building a great VR game, exploring virtual design spaces, or designing the factory of the future, Autodesk is heavily engaged at the cutting edge of the VR market.

Stick around to check out Autodesk's sponsored talks and you'll have a chance to learn about how to best build emotional, believable VR experiences, hear VR R&D lessons learned from the developers of Ubisoft's Eagle Flight, and sit in on an intriguing panel discussion about where the field of VR design is at right now -- and where it's going in the future.

For more details on these sessions, as well as all the other great talks taking place at GDC 2017, head over to the conference Session Scheduler. For more information on GDC 2017, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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