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Come get a behind-the-scenes look at the data-driven design of Rainbow Six Siege

When you come to the Game Developers Conference next March you're going to have your pick of a bevy of intriguing and informative expert talks to sit in on, including a very special presentation from Ubisoft.

The GDC 2018 Design track will be playing host to a cool talk from Ubisoft game director Leroy Athanassof and game intelligence analyst Geoffroy Mouret on "Intelligent Game Design on 'Rainbow Six Siege'" that promises to be fascinating. Together, the pair will explain how they managed to successfully keep their game in a healthy state by using data and shifting their design process to incorporate scientific methods.

They'll show you how key metrics are carefully engineered to fit the issues at hand and provide the most relevant information for each problem, whether it's been raised by data analysis or community feedback.

Through concrete in-game examples, these two experienced devs will show the impact and results of this method, ensuring that you'll walk away with a better understanding and tips/data you can reference in your own work.

You won't want to miss it, as well as the many more GDC 2018 announcements we'll be making in the coming months. For more information about GDC 2018 visit the show's official website, and subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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