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Get practical game dev advice from Google and npnf at GDC 2015

Game Developers Conference 2015 organizers are excited to highlight some promising day-long sponsored developer days for the conference that span the gamut from Google hardware and software insight to practical advice on developing games for the Asian mobile market.

These developer day sessions take place during the first day of GDC: Monday, March 2nd at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA.

Google is back this year to host a full day of learning (and hacking) at GDC 2015. Developers attending the company's sponsored developer day will spend the morning listening to a slew of announcements around what Google is bringing to the table to help you build better games, get tips from the experts on how to build your business on Google Play, and then catch a series of rapid-fire "Lightning Talks" -- 5-­minute talks on everything from FlatBuffers to Google Cast to data interpolation. 

Then spend the afternoon hacking away! Google is setting up several code labs in the afternoon for you to try your hand at building Cardboard apps or some crazy massive multiplayer browser games, with optional help from friendly, well-trained Google engineers.

If that's not up your alley, check out the developer day sessions presented by multi-faceted game company npnf. You'll spend your Monday learning how to build games faster, publish in Asia, and improve your art workflow. 

You'll also have a chance to sit in on special roundtable panels like "Mobile Game Publishing: East vs West" (using popular mobile games like Aerena [pictured] as examples) and "Bridging the Divide: Platform Architects and Developers", featuring industry thought leaders from Parse, Facebook, DeNA, KLab, Backflip, and Kixeye.

For more information on these sessions or others in the show's growing lineup, check out GDC 2015's official Schedule Builder, which continues to add new talks every week.

GDC 2015 itself will take place March 2-6 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. For more information, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.

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