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GDC In Pictures: Highlights from GDC 2015

[After attending GDC 2015 last week, Gamasutra editor Alex Wawro rounds up a few photos from the Official GDC Flickr page to give you an overview of the show.]

GDC 2015 is over, and with record-breaking attendance this year it seems like the greater part of the game industry is still trying to get back to business as usual. 

But not everyone had a chance to attend GDC last week, and those that did couldn't possibly have had time to see everything. 

We did our best to bring you news, interviews and analysis of the most interesting events of the show in our GDC 2015 coverage, but a certain aspect of the experience is lost when you try to convey the tenor of a vibrant event like this through words alone.

With that in mind, we've taken the liberty of compiling a few highlights from the Official GDC Photostream to give you a taste of what it was like to attend GDC 2015.

You can find more photos from the show sorted into albums on the Official GDC Flickr page, while slides and video recordings from the various talks will be posted to the GDC Vault in the weeks to come.

Game industry veterans Brenda Romero (UCSC/Romero Games) and Laura Fryer (Oculus VR) officially open GDC 2015 with the rapid-fire Flash Forward highlight session.

Game industry veterans Brenda Romero (UCSC/Romero Games) and Laura Fryer (Oculus VR) kick off GDC 2015 in earnest with the rapid-fire Flash Forward highlight session.

The Stanley Parable co-creator William Pugh delivers tongue-in-cheek comedic game design advice during his "How To Make Your Game Just Completely Hilarious" talk.

An attendee tries out the Oculus Rift VR headset and a Nod gesture control ring on the show floor.

Veteran game designer Warren Robinett answers questions during a Classic Postmortem talk about his ground-breaking Atari 2600 game Adventure.

Attendees play Throw Trucks With Your Mind, one of the many games demonstrated in the Indie MEGABOOTH Showcase at GDC 2015.

Game designer/educator/DJ Richard Lemarchand delivers a rousing intro to the GDC 2015 Microtalks session.

Game maker Nathalie Lawhead accepts the Nuovo Award for her game, Tetrageddon Games, from host Nathan Vella at the 2015 Independent Games Festival Awards.

Team Outer Wilds takes the stage to accept the IGF Grand Prize for their game, Outer Wilds.

Final Fantasy creator, Mistwalker founder and all-around cool guy Hironobu Sakaguchi accepts his Lifetime Achievement Award onstage at the GDC 2015 Game Developers Choice Awards.

Attendees play a selection of the best board games of 2014 between sessions at the GDC 2015 "Shut Up & Sit Down" game lounge.

Cipher Prime co-founder Dain Saint analyzes the Universe from the game designer's point of view as part of the GDC 2015 Independent Games Summit.

Attendees kick back and check out a few relaxing indie games in the Mild Rumpus grotto at GDC 2015.


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