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GDC Europe: Wargaming shows you how to succeed with F2P on consoles

GDC officials are lining up some great talks for the big GDC Europe conference next month in Cologne, Germany, and today they're happy to announce two more exciting sessions for the event.

Both of these talks encompass multiple aspects of game design and development, but share a common thread in their placement on the GDC Europe Business Track of talks and their shared emphasis on helping game makers make a living while doing what they love.

As more and more developers consider the challenges of designing a free-to-play game that works well on home consoles, it's worth noting that Wargaming has already been there and done that with the Xbox 360 edition of World of Tanks. 

In "World of Tanks: Disrupting the Console Space with F2P", Wargaming exec TJ Wagner will detail how the company adapted its successful PC F2P multiplayer game to consoles, how it successfully grew a community on Xbox 360 and how it is applying lessons learned from that experience in bringing the game to the Xbox One.

Elsewhere at the conference, Polish company Incuvo will share advice on how to figure out the best way to monetize your game regardless of which platform it's on. In "Monetizing Play-Create-Share Games," Incuvo's Wojciech Borczyk will share lessons learned from developing Createrria, a play-create-share mobile game and platform for gamers. Gameplay challenges that influenced monetization will be discussed and various monetization models will be compared, from premium to F2P to subscription.

As always, you can look forward to even more topical and cutting-edge sessions to be announced for GDC Europe 2015 in the coming weeks, and you can find more details on these and all other announced talks over on the GDC Europe Schedule Builder.

The conference itself will take place August 3rd and 4th in Cologne, Germany. GDC Europe 2015 will also continue to offer business and matchmaking opportunities to all attendees with a developer-focused Expo Floor area and networking events throughout the show. For more information, please visit the GDC Europe website.

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