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GDC Europe: Turning the tide, hiring more women in the game industry

With GDC Europe just weeks away, conference officials are excited to debut two more expert talks that will take place during the August conference in Cologne, Germany and address contemporary issues facing the game industry.

You'll find both of these sessions on the GDC Europe Business track of talks, which encompasses everything from practical game studio staffing advice to insight into the value of new free-to-play monetization techniques.

Case in point: GDC Europe is proud to host an expert panel of studio hiring managers from Square Enix Europe, Gameloft, King and more in conversation on "Turning the Tide: Hiring and Retaining Women in the Game Industry." 

Make time to attend their panel; each of the five panelists are culture keepers in their studios, and they'll be frankly discussing solutions for attracting more women, tackling tough issues, and creating safe, welcoming workplaces so you can retain valuable staff.

Of course, a key component of keeping your studio staffed is figuring out a way to make great games that also bring in enough earnings to keep your outfit afloat. Video ads in mobile games are experiencing a bit of a renaissance after Hipster Whale used them to great effect in its smash mobile hit Crossy Road, and at GDC Europe a group of experts will show you how to do the same in the "Perspective on Video Monetization" panel. 

Smart minds from Rovio, Wooga, PikPok and more will share their views and experience on video monetization in F2P games, and how you can use it to your advantage from both a business and game design perspective. 

There are even more cutting-edge sessions to be announced for GDC Europe 2015 in the coming weeks, and you can find more details on these and all other announced talks over on the GDC Europe Schedule Builder.

GDC Europe 2015 will also continue to offer business and matchmaking opportunities to all attendees with a developer-focused Expo Floor area and networking events throughout the show. For more information, please visit the GDC Europe website.

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