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At GDC 2017, learn how to design games so servers don't die on launch day

As the 2017 Game Developers Conference approaches, conference organizers are proud to highlight a great talk taking place at the show that tackles a very common, thorny problem: launching server-dependent games without having the servers go down on the first day.

In their GDC 2017 talk on "Stop Killing Our Servers!" Riot Games' Jennie Lees and VREAL's Sela Davis -- two engineers who have worked on scalable systems large and small -- will walk through how client decisions can have impact on the server side and provide key takeaways on how to reduce or prevent issues.

War stories from shipped games and platforms will be liberally sprinkled throughout the talk, of course, and anyone who attends will A) have a good time and B) walk away with a set of principles to guide their client development process for a successful launch of client and server.

So don't miss it! For more details on this and other talks taking place at GDC 2017, head over to the conference Session Scheduler. For more information on GDC 2017, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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