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Enjoy a Classic Game Postmortem of Sonic the Hedgehog at GDC 2018

If you're coming to the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco this year you've gotta go (fast!) to a very special postmortem look back at the making of a classic Sega game.

That's right: GDC organizers are excited to announce that original game designer Hirokazu Yasuhara and original character designer Naoto Oshima will be at GDC 2018 to deliver a Classic Game Postmortem of Sonic the Hedgehog!

In the course of this remarkable hour-long talkYasuhara and Oshima will reflect on the design and development of the seminal high-speed platformer, which made its debut in 1991 and went on to become the best-selling Genesis game ever made.

Together, the pair of original Sonic devs will discuss their perspective on the creation of the enduring game franchise, including detailed recollections of the game's original design process and art direction.

They'll also dig into their experience creating a character to be a company mascot, the strategies they considered for going up against powerful rival companies, and frank anecdotes from their Sonic development days.

So plan your GDC schedule accordingly! In the weeks ahead, conference officials look forward to announcing many more GDC 2018 sessions spanning a diverse array of game industry issues.

For more information on GDC 2018, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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