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Come to the GDC 2016 Game Career Seminar to kickstart your career

Game Developers Conference organizers are highlighting the Game Career Seminar today in order to showcase some of its lectures, panels, and presentations aimed at helping new and aspiring developers kickstart their careers in the game business.

This one-day program will take place Friday, March 18th at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, closing out GDC week by offering attendees the chance to learn about the industry and network with leading professionals and HR representatives, both within sessions and at the show's robust Career Pavilion.

The Game Career Seminar is open to all GDC pass holders, including Expo Pass holders. It's also accessible via a special one-day Student Pass for currently enrolled students over the age of 18 -- available on-site on Friday for just $79.

Still curious? Here are a few can't-miss talks from this year's list of Game Career Seminar sessions:

In "There and Back Again: Finding Your Place in the Games Industry," veteran game designer Caryl Shaw will share advice on doing just that.

Vicarious Visions' Leo Zuniga will shed light on the importance of soft skills in game development, which can be a highly creative touchy feely field, in "How Strong Soft-Skills Help Game Devs - A 15 Year Veteran." Check it out to learn fresh ways to work with people, project your ideas and listen to others.

And in "Healthy Habits of a Successful Game Maker" attendees will learn from the experiences of recent grad Lauren Scott, who has held positions at industry heavyweights Zynga and 2K Games. Scott's talk will go over the practices that helped her launch her career, and which, if implemented, will aid attendees in doing the same, and in honing their skills as developers.

For more information on these sessions or others in the show's growing lineup, check out GDC 2016's official Schedule Builder, which continues to add new talks every week. 

GDC 2016 itself will take place March 14-18th at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. For more information on GDC 2016, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.

Gamasutra and GDC are sibling organizations under parent UBM Tech.


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