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Catch Epic's Tim Sweeney and Xbox chief Phil Spencer at GDC

The 2015 Game Developers Conference kicks off next week, and if you're planning to attend here are a few sponsored sessions from high-profile speakers you must not miss during your time at the show.

First, Epic Games founder Tim Sweeney will deliver a sponsored session on "The State of Unreal Engine" on Wednesday morning, where you can expect to hear his thoughts on the future of Unreal Engine 4 and what comes next.

Later that day, Sweeney and other senior Epic talent will be expounding on the contemporary state of game development and answering questions from attendees during an hour-long "Game Developers Town Hall" session sponsored by Epic Games. It's taking place at the end of Wednesday, March 4th, and it's sure to be a learning opportunity for game makers.

Also, Phil Spencer, head of Xbox and gaming at Microsoft, will be delivering an hour-long talk about "The Future of Gaming Across the Microsoft Ecosystem: Creating Games Across Devices" on Wednesday.

During the Microsoft-sponsored talk, Spencer aims to show developers some of the ways they can create unique games experiences for Xbox One and Windows 10, as well as what the future holds for creators making game content for the Microsoft ecosystem.

Further details on these and many more announced talks are available now in the online GDC 2015 Session Scheduler, where you can begin to plan out your conference week and export it to the GDC Mobile App.

For more information on GDC 2015, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.

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