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Better productivity through game design: Ubisoft shares tips at GDC Europe

The big GDC Europe conference in Germany is just months away, and today GDC organizers are happy to debut another excellent, expert talk that will be taking place at the Cologne conference in August.

David Lightbown serves as User Experience Director at Ubisoft, and at GDC Europe he'll be presenting a fascinating take on applying game design principles to improve your game production tools and process. 

Check out his talk, "Hiding in Plain Sight: The Untapped Resource that is Helping Ubisoft to Make Better Tools" to learn how, exactly, Ubisoft has helped its teams work more efficiently by applying game design tenets to its production pipelines.

You'll walk away with a list of common patterns that are designed to improve productivity, the context in which they can be used, examples of how they were used on tools for the Assassin's Creed, Rainbow Six and Far Cry franchises, and how to apply them to your own tools.

Plus, early birds can still register for GDC Europe 2016 by July 20th to save up to 200 euros on an All Access Pass. The conference itself will take place August 15th and 16th at the Cologne Congress-Centrum Ost venue in Cologne, Germany.

GDC Europe 2016 will also continue to offer business and matchmaking opportunities to all attendees with a developer-focused Expo Floor area and networking events throughout the show. For more information, please visit the GDC Europe website.

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