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Attend VRDC Fall 2017 and get expert advice on making better VR spaces

As the event draws closer, organizers of the Virtual Reality Developers Conference are proud to announce two more great sessions for VRDC Fall 2017, which takes place September 21-22 at a bigger, better venue in San Francisco!

Both of these sessions are part of the conference's Innovation track of talks, which encompasses experts from around the world sharing insight into how virtual- and augmented-reality technologies have the power to positively influence nearly all aspects of our lives.

For example, Mahdi Azmandian's VRDC Fall 2017 talk on "The Science and Engineering of Redirected Walking" is all about how the perceptual illusion of "redirected walking" (example diagram above) can help VR users feel like they're enmeshed in a vast open space.


Azmandian is a research assistant at USC's Mixed Reality Lab, and his talk will give attendees a comprehensive look at both the theory of redirected walking and how it is deployed in practice. His session will also introduce the Redirected Walking Toolkit: an open-source collection of scientifically proven redirection techniques designed to be deployed with minimal development overhead.

Plus, behavioral scientist and researcher Jessica Outlaw will be giving an important talk about social VR titled "Road to Art3mis: Women's First-Time Experiences in Social VR." Outlaw's talks is based on her recruitment of 20 women (all first-timers to VR) to use different social VR platforms. Using observation, and pre- and post-interview questions, she will report the findings of this testing and offer attendees insight into how the data might be applied to create more inclusive VR experiences.

Outlaw aims to discuss how the participant's expectations about VR influenced their experience, how they approached social interactions, and their perceptions about the potential of the technology. Attend her talk to learn all the specific findings from this study -- and get tips on running your own research in the future!

And of course, VRDC Fall 2017 organizers look forward to announcing many more talks for the event in the weeks to come. Don't forget to register early at a discounted rate!

Since tickets sold out for the first three VRDC events, VRDC Fall 2017 will offer more sessions and move to a bigger location at the Hilton Union Square in San Francisco, CA September 21-22.

For more information on VRDC Fall 2017, visit the show's official website and subscribe to regular updates via Twitter and Facebook.


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