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Attend GDC 2018 for a behind-the-scenes look at Far Cry 5's asset build system

Are you coming to the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco next March? You should, because it promises to be a premier opportunity for game makers to share and learn from each other while attending some fantastic talks.

For example, Ubisoft will have a great Programming track talk at GDC 2018 that's all about the asset build system used to build Far Cry 5. 

The talk, appropriately titled "The Asset Build System of Far Cry 5", will feature Ubisoft Montreal engine architect Remi Quenin speaking frankly about how Ubisoft fleshes out its big open-world games full of assets without bringing the whole project crashing down.

Quenin plans to dive into implementation details like the dependency graph which provides minimal incremental builds, the massively parallel graph evaluation process, and additional performance features such as distribution, caching, process isolation, and environment isolation for third party software distribution and parallelization.

He'll also show how the system performs on the over-10-million-nodes dependency graph of Far Cry 5, so don't skip it!

And of course we have lots more GDC 2018 announcements to make in the coming months. For more information about GDC 2018 visit the show's official website, and subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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