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Attend GDC 2017 and spend a whole day honing your level design skills

If you have any interest at all in video game level design, listen up: GDC 2017 organizers would like to give you a preview of the great sessions taking place during the day-long Level Design Workshop that helps kick off the conference next month.

This is just one of the many Bootcamps and Tutorials scheduled during the first two days of GDC (Monday and Tuesday, February 27th and 28th this year) which are designed to offer attendees the chance to focus on the critical components of a game's art direction, and its creators' broader artistic vision.

GDC 2017 attendees are invited to attend the Tuesday tutorial and join the leading design minds of our industry as they share their experiences and discuss some of the most important issues of the day.

For 2017, organizers have again curated a diverse mix of established and emerging voices from all corners of the level design world to present an entertaining and enlightening agenda of talks for our attendees. Skim the session lineup this year and you'll find experts from around the industry who have worked on everything from Deus Ex: Manking Divided to Hyper Light Drifter to Dishonored 2 (pictured.)

Historically, LD Workshop presentations run the gamut from sharing specific techniques, to in-depth analysis of shipped games, to introspective explorations of "big" concepts that affect level designers/teams, as well as providing guides to process and workflow.

For more details on these and other great talks taking place at GDC 2017, head over to the conference Session Scheduler!

And if you're looking for more information on GDC 2017, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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