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At VRDC, experts share lessons learned surviving the early days of VR

The field of virtual- and augmented-reality development is still young, but already pioneers have accumulated a wealth of learnings from trying (and sometimes failing) to build cutting-edge VR/AR experiences.

You can hear some of those learnings for yourself at the inaugural standalone Virtual Reality Developers Conference this November, where a group of VR/AR pioneers will be speaking in a panel discussion called "Prototypes and Tears: Surviving the Early Days of VR."

Panelists Joe Radak (Co-Founder, Lead Designer, Eerie Bear Games, LLC), Nathan Rowe (Founder, SculptrVR, Inc.), Julie Heyde (#ChickenBitch, VRUnicorns), Theresa Duringer (CEO, Temple Gates Games) and Sara Lisa Vogl (VR UX/UI & Creative Squirrel, VR Nerds) will  walk through the challenges they had starting up in VR, overcoming its challenges and how they got to where they are now, and how you can do the same!

So head over to the VRDC website now and register to attend the conference, which will feature a plethora of great VR/AR talks spanning games, entertainment, and beyond into subjects such as healthcare, journalism, travel, manufacturing, retail, live events, real estate, training, and so much more.

And if you have a great tool, service, product, or platform that enables developers to create innovative VR/AR experiences, you can contact [email protected] or visit UBM's VRDC Sales hub to learn how to become a VRDC sponsor!

VRDC 2016 will take place November 2-3 at the Park Central Hotel in San Francisco. For more information on VRDC 2016, visit the show's official website and subscribe to regular updates via Twitter and Facebook.


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