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Apply now to be a GDC 2018 Conference Associate!

Are you someone who's eager to help the 2018 Game Developers Conference go off without a hitch, and get free entry to boot?

Then you should consider applying now to be a volunteer Conference Associate (CA), because you can earn the equivalent of an All-Access Pass by putting in roughly 25 hours of on-site work!

Next year GDC 2018 runs from Monday, March 19th through Friday, March 23rd. Applicants who are chosen to be Conference Associates will be given pre-conference assignments and asked to attend a required orientation dinner on Sunday, March 18th. This is a paid position, so you must be eligible to work in the United States.

Furthermore, those accepted into the program are expected to be on-site during conference hours from the start of your pre-conference assignments through the end of the conference on the evening of Friday, March 23rd.

What will you be doing, you ask? CA duties may include guarding doors and scanning badges, monitoring sessions, answering attendees' questions, and more. In your free time, you will be able to use your All-Access pass to do things like attend talks or visit the Expo floor.

To apply, head over to the GDC 2018 CA application page and read the instructions. The deadline for applications closes at 11:59 PM PDT, December 22nd, 2017! Applicants will be notified if they are accepted (or not) by January 11th.

Applications submitted after the positions are filled will be offered the opportunity to be put on the waiting list. Applications will be accepted up until 11:59 pm (Pacific Time, UTC-8) on March 13th for the waiting list.

For more information on GDC 2018, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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