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Here's the lineup for GDC Europe's Innovative Games Showcase

GDC officials are happy to reveal the lineup of games that will be featured in the second annual European Innovative Games Showcase during the 2015 Independent Games Summit at GDC Europe in Cologne next month, which itself includes a variety of talks from industry luminaries on the art and business of independent game development.

If you're planning to register for GDC Europe, now is the time to do so -- the Early Bird registration period ends tomorrow at 11:59 PM Eastern, and with it goes your opportunity to save 200 euros on an All Access Pass to the show, which grants you access to a slew of great talks like the European Innovative Games Showcase.

Games featured in the showcase were selected from a wide variety of applicants by game designers Lea Schönfelder anJonatan Van Hove (who will also MC the event) working alongside the IGS' European advisors Kitty Calis, Amnesia's Thomas Grip, Copenhagen Game Collective's Lau Korsgaard and a panel of judges from across the industry.

Survey: Sweden and the UK are Europe's top game development hubs

In an effort to better quantify the state of European game development right before GDC Europe, the Game Developers Conference has surveyed over 250 European games industry professionals who have attended GDC shows, read Gamasutra, or plan to attend GDC Europe 2015 next month.

The results offer some interesting insight into which popular and emerging hardware platforms European developers are most excited to make games for, as well as how those developers feel about hot-button topics like virtual reality game development and crowdfunding.

Last week we shared survey data suggesting European developers are embracing the PC as they move away from mobile as they remain unsatisfied with the state of game dev tax breaks in Europe.

Today we dig deeper into the data in order to better understand which European countries developers believe to be hotbeds of game development, how things have changed from a decade ago, and how they're likely to continue changing in the years to come as the industry adapts to new hardware and new ways of making games.

Survey: Devs remain unsatisfied with European game dev tax breaks

In order to understand the state of the European game industry ahead of GDC Europe, Game Developers Conference officials surveyed over 250 European games industry professionals who have attended GDC shows, read, or plan to attend GDC Europe 2015 this August.

Once again, their responses and opinions shed light on some fascinating trends, offering a European perspective on a wide variety of issues.

Yesterday, we shared some highlights from the survey that suggest European game makers are migrating away from mobile and towards PC as the contemporary home consoles gain traction. They also seem to be confident that VR game development is a long-term, sustainable business, though few are currently developing VR games.

Today, we dig even deeper into the survey results and share some data on how respondents feel about the perennially popular topic of tax incentives for game development in Europe.

Learn to make great episodic content for your game at GDC Europe

The big GDC Europe conference in Cologne, Germany is coming up fast, and today the GDC team is pleased to announce two more noteworthy talks for the August show. 

The common thread tying both sessions together is GDC Europe's Production track of talks, which is packed with sessions that aim to shed light on smart ways to trounce the practical day-to-day challenges of making games.

GDC Europe State of the Industry: Devs moving from mobile to PC

In an effort to better understand the state of the European game industry ahead of GDC Europe, Game Developers Conference officials surveyed over 250 European games industry professionals who have attended GDC shows, read, or plan to attend GDC Europe 2015 this August.

Once again, their responses and opinions shed light on some fascinating trends, offering a European perspective on issues like which platforms are most appealing, the perceived value of crowdfunding game development and what the rise of VR means for the industry at large.

Organized by UBM Tech Game Network, GDC Europe 2015 will be held on Monday and Tuesday, August 3rd and 4th at the Congress-Centrum Ost in Cologne, Germany, co-located with Europe's video game trade and public show gamescom. One week remains to register before Wednesday, July 8th, at the discounted Early Bird rate.

Come out to GDC Europe and learn how Cities: Skylines was made

GDC organizers are lining up some great talks for this year's big GDC Europe conference in Cologne, Germany, and today they're revealing two more excellent sessions from game industry experts for the August event.

These talks reflect a rising interest in the industry for Chinese mobile game design best practices, as well as the enduring appeal of celebrating and learning from another developer's success.

Attend GDC Europe to see how Bossa cooks up games like I Am Bread

Heads up, game makers: the big GDC Europe conference in Cologne, Germany is just over a month away, and today officials are excited to announce another pair of great talks from industry luminaries that will be delivered during the August conference.

These talks both dig deep into the business ramifications of the choices you make during game design, featuring insight on how to design smart, sustainable in-app transactions for your game and when to license someone else's game engine instead of creating your own. 

GDC Europe: Learn how to afford outside help on an indie budget

The big GDC Europe conference this August in Cologne, Germany is coming up fast, and today event officials are happy to debut another important talk for the show. 

As always, GDC Europe's Production and Business, Marketing and Management tracks of talks host similar but notably different selections of sessions that aim to shed light on both the day-to-day realities of producing games and the practical challenges of making a living in the process. 

However, the talk we're announcing today seeks to do both.

Come to GDC Europe for real talk on getting the financing you need

Preparations for this year's GDC Europe event in Cologne, Germany continue apace, and today GDC officials are excited to confirm an important talk for the upcoming August conference. 

The GDC Europe Business, Marketing and Management track of talks encompasses a wide variety of insight from industry experts, spanning the spectrum of AAA to indie.

Execution Labs co-founder Jason Della Rocca is an award-winning developer who's spent time in both worlds, and we're excited to welcome him to the conference this year to offer frank advice on how fellow developers can get their projects -- or their companies -- funded.

Get cutting-edge mobile design and monetization tips at GDC Europe

GDC organizers are working hard to program awesome content for this year's big GDC Europe conference in Cologne, Germany, and today they're revealing two more great talks from game industry experts for the August event.

These sessions reflect the rising industry demand for mobile game design best practices, as well as the expertise to study how players enjoy mobile games and use those learnings to design better gameplay.

Come to GDC Europe for cutting-edge studio leadership advice

This year's big GDC Europe conference in Cologne, Germany is coming up fast, and today we're excited to announce more great talks from game industry experts who will be speaking at the August conference.

Today we're taking a moment to highlight some of the more business-minded talks of the show, in an effort to showcase how the successful studios of today (and tomorrow) tackle the challenge of keeping studios in the black.

Registration is now open for GDC China 2015 in Shanghai

The organizers of GDC China are proud to announce that registration is now live for the 2015 show, which will take place October 25-27 at the Shanghai International Exhibition Center in Shanghai, China. 

The event will once again serve as the premier game industry event in China, bringing together influential developers from around the world to share ideas, network, and inspire each other to further the game industry in this region.

This year, GDC China will feature top talks from industry experts across multiple session tracks and SummitsIn addition, the show will encompass a spacious exhibition hall, and will once again host the Independent Games Festival China for the seventh year running.

GDC Europe: Learn how Epic is openly developing Unreal Tournament

GDC officials are still striving to line up great talks for GDC Europe this year, and today they're happy to announce two more exciting sessions for the upcoming August conference. 

These talks showcase the strong emphasis on all aspects of game design that's being programmed into this year's conference, which will take place August 3rd and 4th in Cologne, Germany. No matter what kind of games you're making or how you're making it, there's sure to be something on the GDC Europe Design track of talks that will help you improve your skills.

Attend GDC Europe for data-driven advice on using IAP like a champ

European game developers, take note: the big GDC Europe conference in Cologne, Germany is coming up fast, and today we're excited to announce more great sessions from your game industry compatriots that will be delivered during the August conference.

These talks both dig deep into the business ramifications of the choices you make during game design, featuring insight on how to design smart, sustainable in-app transactions for your game and when to license someone else's game engine instead of creating your own. 

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