Game Developers Conference (GDC) is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC

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3-days Game Programming Lessons

Learn the latest programming skills and techniques to develop games across platforms including consoles, mobile, PCs, virtual reality, and more. The demand for high production value in games continues to increase with new tools, middleware, and technical skills required to solve difficult development problems.

Featured Programming Sessions

Check out GDC Showcase 2023 session highlights below.

User Interface in 'Cyberpunk 2077': Challenges and Optimizations

Arkadiusz Antonik (Engineering Director, CD Projekt RED)

Cyberpunk 2077 is CD Project RED's biggest game to date. This talk looks back at how user interface technology was built for this title from scratch, what challenges the development team faced during the production, and how they solved certain problems and optimized the whole system to support thousands of independent UI instances around Night City 

GoSkinning: An Innovative and Efficient Skinning Production for Animators

Zijiao Zeng (Principal Researcher, Tencent)

This session will introduce an innovative automatic skinning production (GoSkinning) which includes a large number of novel deep learning models that may revolutionize the 3D game art pipeline.



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