We interrupt your regularly scheduled Game Developers Conference Podcast content with a special episode, straight from the abnormally snow covered (until recently) state of Texas.
In episode 17 of the GDC Podcast, resident Texan and Gamasutra EiC Kris Graft is joined by Level Up Labs co-founder, Valve Steam Labs contributor, and fellow Texan Lars Doucet to talk about the brutal winter storm that struck the state last week and is still impacting its people today.
This episode talks less about game development and design and more about Kris and Lars' experiences as Texans amid the catastrophic winter storm that left people without access to heat, power, and, in many cases, food for days.
Topics include a discussion about the systems we rely on day-to-day, as well as talk about how recent events relate to Lars's experience making Super Energy Apocalypse, a game about understanding power grids and energy.
For more information on how to support people in Texas still in need of aid, please visit resources like Mutual Aid Houston, Feed the People Dallas Mutual Aid, Dallas Mutual Aid, and DFW Mutual Aid.