Game Developers Conference (GDC) is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC

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PSA: One week left to submit your talks for XRDC 2019

XRDC happens October 14-15 at the Fort Mason Festival Pavilion in San Francisco, so make sure to submit your pitches for talks -- the deadline for proposals is next Monday, May 20th, at 11:59 PM Pacific!

Gamasutra's favorite slides from GDC 2019

Looking for a quick hit of game dev insight? Look no further than this cross-posted Gamasutra article, in which the editorial team shares some of their favorite slides from different GDC 2019 talks!

GDC in Pictures: Highlights from GDC 2019!

Words alone can't fully convey the experience of spending a week at GDC, so here are a few standout shots of the people, talks, and experiences which made GDC 2019 a success!

Connecting the Global Game Development Community