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You can watch so many great Sponsored Sessions at GDC 2021

Talks at Game Developers Conference come in all shapes and sizes, and today we want to highlight a special selection of talks that can be useful to every GDC attendee. These are the Sponsored Sessions---special talks brought to you by the many companies that support the show every year.

At this year’s all-digital event (running July 19th – 23rd), you can see talks from companies like Microsoft, HP Inc., Amazon, NVIDIA, Xsolla, and other companies making the technology that fuels today’s game industry.

These talks can range from excellent technical breakdowns that will help you ship your next game to business-driven talks that will help you rack up sales in new territories.

Here’s a handful of talks you should make room for you in your schedule :

In Procedural Systems for "Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales" and "Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart" (Presented by Houdini), you can learn how Insomniac Games used procedural systems in Houdini to generate open-world content for two of Insomniac Games’ big recent hits.

In Collaborative Game Development with NVIDIA Omniverse (Presented by NVIDIA), you can learn how NVIDIA Omniverse’s collection of tools can accelerate existing production workflows.

And in Case Study: How Minecraft Ported Realms to Azure (Presented by Microsoft), you can learn how Mojan ported Minecraft Realms from a custom infrastructure-as-a-service implementation to a managed solution running on Azure.

These are just a few of the Sponsored Sessions you can see at GDC 2021---be sure to check out the full schedule of talks from our sponsors as well!

And of course, register for GDC 2021 today to build your schedule and start gearing up for next month’s show!

For more details on GDC 2021 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


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