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Take advantage of all this cool sponsored content at GDC 2019!

If you're coming to the 2019 Game Developers Conference later this month, make sure you don't overlook all the great sponsored content available to you as you're planning out your time at the show.

Game industry leaders like Unity, Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Viveport are presenting a smorgasbord of interesting talks during the GDC 2019 Dev Days, two full days (Monday and Tuesday) of in-depth technical discussions and business guidance aimed at helping game developers succeed on these companies' platforms.

There are also a few notable sponsored sessions taking place at GDC this year that you'll want to keep an eye on: Google is presenting a special keynote session on Tuesday, for example, that's open to all GDC passholders and promises an exciting announcement!

You should also check out the Fair Play Alliance's keynote session, which is backed by the Fair Play Alliance's 90+ members (including game industry leaders like Blizzard, Epic, Riot, and Ubisoft) and promises a lively discussion of why publishers, game developers, and game platforms should apply the best practices of player behavior and content moderation/online safety approaches as key elements of their design strategies. 

Understanding the most effective ways to combat and prevent toxic behavior in games and the game industry at large is vitally important, so in addition to the FPA keynote consider attending one of the many great talks taking place during the Fair Play Alliance Summit on Wednesday (March 20th) of GDC 2019. 

In "Dispelling Common Player Behavior Myths", for example, Blizzard research scientist Natasha Miller will share lessons learned by multiple FPA members about player behavior and motivations to be disruptive in games. Expect to walk away better equipped to determine which theories to ignore and which to embrace when determining how to stop disruptive behaviors in your games and/or communities. Don't miss it!

If you're curious about the state and future of blockchains in games, make sure you don't miss the special Blockchain Day on Thursday of GDC week, where companies like Enjin and Ubisoft are sponsoring some intriguing sessions as well as a special Enjin-sponsored Blockchain Mixer networking event in the West Hall of the Moscone Convention Center!

Finally, before you show up at GDC 2019 make sure you're ready to hit the ground running by checking out the GDC Digital Tote Bag, a quick and easy way for you to access key information from leading game and technology companies who are sponsoring or exhibiting at the show!

It's part of GDC's ongoing efforts to eliminate needless waste and ensure attendees enjoy a more efficient and environmentally-friendly event. It's also a great resource for you to get informed about what top game tech companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Unity, and more will be offering during the show -- some are even offering special swag or other goodies that you can get via the Tote Bag, though you may also need to stop by their booth to claim them! 

So make sure to check out the Digital Tote Bag before you arrive, and don't skip past the many sponsored sessions on offer on the GDC 2019 Session Scheduler as you're planning out your time at the show, which takes place March 18th through the 22nd at the (newly renovated!) Moscone Center in San Francisco.

Bring your team to GDC! Register a group of 10 or more and save 10 percent on conference passes. Learn more here.​

For more details on GDC 2019 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


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