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Study the AI and 'Freak-O-System' of Sony's Days Gone at GDC 2018

As you plan out what to do and see at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco next month, be sure not to overlook Sony Bend's intriguing talk on the open-world AI of its upcoming post-apocalyptic game Days Gone.

Under the aegis of the AI Summit, Sony Bend Studio's Darren Chisum and Tobias Karlsson will be giving a great talk with a gret title: "The "Freak-O-System": The Dynamic Open World of Sony's 'Days Gone'."

Their talk looks at the AI and gameplay components used to create the dynamic and interactive open world of Days Gone. They'll cover some of the different AI units, and how they interact with one another in the Freak-O-System.

They'll also describe some of the methods used to spawn units and content into the world in a way that improves the player's experience. In addition, they'll will go into detail on how the human AI units form squads, and calculate a Front Line to help define the combat area, and choose tactical locations.

It's going to be a fantastic in-depth talk on a notable upcoming game, so don't miss it! And for more details on this and all other announced talks head over to the online GDC 2018 Session Scheduler.

For more information about GDC 2018, which runs March 19th through the 23rd, visit the show's official website, and subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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