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Stanford will share insight into mixed reality's medical uses at XRDC

Dr. Brian Hargreaves teaches courses in mixed reality and magnetic resonance imaging at Stanford, serves as co-director of the university's Incubator for Medical Mixed and Extended Reality, and this October he'll be sharing what he's learned at XRDC!

The AR/MR/VR innovation is just a few months away, and organizers want to make sure this cutting-edge talk doesn't slip under your radar. Dr. Hargreaves' session, titled "Mixed Reality Guidance for Medical Procedures," will show you the needs, challenges and potential solutions for several applications where mixed reality devices can realistically play a role in medical procedures in the next five years.

It promises to be insightful and useful for industry professionals, as mixed reality technology is advancing rapidly, to the point that an ever increasing number of medical applications will soon be feasible. According to Dr. Hargreaves, the ability to upload and render 3D image data that is aligned to patients is particularly attractive, and when combined with tool tracking and rendering, offers even more options.

Examples in breast surgery, needle guidance and orthopedic surgery will be presented, examples which will use different types of marker-based and intelligent device tracking, integrated with mixed reality devices and appropriate user interfaces for real-time operation in patient settings -- including operating rooms.

XRDC takes place this October 29th and 30th in San Francisco at the Westin St. Francis Hotel. Now that registration is open, you'll want to look over XRDC passes and prices and register early to get the best deal!

For more information about XRDC, which is produced by organizers of the Game Developers Conference, check out the official XRDC website. You can also subscribe to regular XRDC updates via emailTwitter and Facebook.


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