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See GDC 2018 speakers (try to) pitch their talks to you in 60 seconds!

Perhaps you've heard the news: GDC 2018 is just a few weeks away!

As you're looking over the session schedule and figuring out what to see and do, organizers want to quickly remind you that for the third year running, a bunch of GDC speakers have put together 60-second (ish) pitch videos for their talks!

These "Flash Forward" videos are always perfect summations of what makes GDC sessions great: they're fun, charming, and surprisingly informative. What's more, they couldn't be more convenient to watch! Just head over to the official GDC YouTube channel, which is now packed with pithy videos submitted by a diverse group of GDC 2018 speakers.

You should totally watch these, because each is a very fun and personalized pitch for why you should make time in your busy schedule to check out a given talk while you're attending GDC.

We've once again organized these GDC 2018 Flash Forward pitches into a playlist (embedded below) and added more information about each speaker and a link to their talk in the description of their video. Have a look!

You can find lots more great videos over on the official GDC YouTube channel, which is also regularly updated with new talks recorded at GDCs through the ages. Subscribe, and you'll be the first to know about when new videos are added to the channel!

For more details on these and other talks taking place at GDC 2018, head over to the conference Session Scheduler. For more information on GDC 2018, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.

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