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Reminder: Last Day For GDC 2010 Alumni Discount

Game Developers Conference 2010 organizers are reminding 2008 and 2009 GDC attendees that December 22nd is the last day to register with an alumni discount for the March 9th-13th, 2010 show in San Francisco.
As GDC show organizer Meggan Scavio explained in her 'Bosslady Blog' post last week: "If you paid for any GDC conference pass over the last two years (2008 or 2009), you qualify for the biggest discount we offer. If you buy your GDC pass by Tuesday, you’ll save 40 percent off an All Access pass and 50 percent off a Main Conference pass."
Recent GDC 2010-related announcements have included keynotes and first sessions for Summits, with notables including Facebook's Gareth Davis (Social & Online Games Summit) and Spider's Randy Smith (Independent Games Summit) headlining the pre-Main GDC events on March 9th and 10th.
Overall, the GDC 2010 Summits highlight the leading edge of game development in emerging and notable areas including; iPhone Games, Social & Online Games, Game Localization, Mobile/Handheld Games, Independent Games, Artificial Intelligence and Serious Games.
In addition, a number of major talks have been announced for the GDC 2010 Main Conference, including world-first lectures from the creators of Uncharted 2, Braid, Dante's Inferno and Brutal Legend. There are already scores of confirmed GDC 2010 lectures viewable in the GDC 2010 Schedule Builder, including notable, practical talks in the Design, Programming, Production, Business, Art, and Audio tracks.
Finally, major events such as the GDC 2010 keynotes are still to be revealed, and attendees can also visit the major GDC Expo Floor, filled with industry-relevant firms and the IGF Pavilion -- and attend the industry-leading Game Developers Choice and Independent Games Festival awards on Thursday, March 11th.
Registration is currently open for Game Developers Conference 2010 for all potential attendees, regardless of alumni status. However, anyone who attended GDC last year or the year before should have received an Alumni registration invitation via email. If you haven’t, please contact the GDC 2010 Registration team via the official 'Contact Us' site form.


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