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Reminder: 2019 GDC Film Festival submissions close next Friday!

Just a quick reminder that submissions for the 2019 GDC Film Festival are still open -- but only until next Friday, December 7th!

This is a big deal because the GDC Film Festival is one of the first ever documentary & narrative film fests focused on the art and culture of video games.

After a successful debut this year it will be returning for the 2019 Game Developers Conference, and organizers are eager to fill it with exciting and intriguing submissions from video game documentarians (in particular) and other filmmakers creating works that feature video games in a major way.

The 2nd Annual GDC Film Festival will take place at the Yerba Buena Center For The Arts' Screening Room - directly adjacent to the Moscone Center - from Monday, March 18th to Wednesday, March 20th during GDC 2019.

Selected films will be displayed at the Festival and the filmmakers will receive 2 GDC Conference + Summits Passes and 2 Expo+ Passes to the event in San Francisco next March. You are not required to be present at GDC for your film to be shown.

Screenings will be open to all GDC 2019 pass holders on a first-come, first-served basis. Across the three days a wide range of documentaries and other filmed material based around the video game medium will be screened, some for the very first time!

The Festival will include onstage Q&As with film-makers, and game producer/designer and journalist Mathew Kumar (Sound Shapes, Indivisible) will be MC-ing the festival and co-programming the featured films. Any other questions about the Festival and entering can be directed to Festival co-director Mathew Kumar via email.

The Film Festival takes place as part of GDC 2019, which will take place March 18th through the 22nd at the (newly renovated!) Moscone Center in San Francisco. 

Bring your team to GDC! Register a group of 10 or more and save 10 percent on conference passes. Learn more here.​

For more details on GDC 2019 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS


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