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PSA: Tomorrow's your last day to save by registering early for XRDC!

Heads up: The deadline to register for XRDC at a discount rate is tomorrow, Wednesday June 5th, at 11:59 PM Pacific!

This is a great opportunity to save hundreds of dollars on your pass to XRDC, the premier industry event for AR/VR/MR developers and innovators. This year the event will serve up an invigorating array of speakers and exhibitors in a beautiful new waterfront venue: the Fort Mason Festival Pavilion in San Francisco.

The whole event is being revamped to be more interactive and engaging, and this year there's an all-new XRDC pass for sale, the Startup Pass, which is nearly half the price of the regular pass and specifically designed to give smaller teams and trailblazing startups a clear path to success at XRDC!

So make sure to look over XRDC passes and prices and register before tomorrow's deadline to get the best price on your ticket to the big event.

A number of exciting sessions have already been announced, including DeepMotion chief Kevin He's intriguing Entertainment track talk on "Using AI to Create Interactive Digital Actors,"  in which he'll discuss the challenges of (and science behind) building an interactive character authoring tool -- as well as how companies can integrate intelligent character simulation into their own games and experiences.

Plus, Packet39 cofounder Shachar Weis will be there to how you how VR is improving children's healthcare in his XRDC Healthcare track talk on "MRI Simulator: Using Biofeedback Loops to Reduce Anxiety in Children."

You'll see how this simulator was designed by combining elements from game design, immersive technologies and biofeedback to help patients train before the scan, and remain calm and still during, improving image quality and shortening the scan duration.

And in their Enterprise track talk on "Building Virtual Reality for Public Safety", The National Institute of Standards and Technology's Sarah Hughes and Jack Lewis will share lessons learned in designing VR experiences to improve public safety, developing VR environments with the first responder community, trials and tribulations from 500+ demos, and more. Expect to walk away understanding what worked well -- and what failed miserably!

For more details about XRDC, which is produced by organizers of the Game Developers Conference, check out the official XRDC website. You can also subscribe to regular XRDC updates via emailTwitter and Facebook.


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