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PSA: Thursday is your last day to pitch Core Concepts talks for GDC 2020!

Don't delay: Organizers of the 2020 Game Developers Conference are still accepting submissions to present lectures, roundtables, and panels for the Core Concepts part of the event -- but submissions close this Thursday, August 15th at 11:59 PM PT! 

So if you have a great idea for a GDC talk, submit today! Sharing your expertise and insights with your colleagues is a great way to enrich your career and the industry as a whole, and there's no better place to do that than GDC 2020, which returns to the Moscone Center in San Francisco, March 16-20, 2020. 

Remember that this call for submissions is specifically for sessions that take place on Wednesday through Friday of the conference, encompassing these discipline-based tracks:

-    Advocacy
-    Audio
-    Business & Marketing
-    Design
-    Production & Team Management
-    Programming
-    Visual Arts

The above content is now known as the Core Concepts or ‘Core’ content, changing its previous branding from “Main Conference,” to emphasize the essential nature of the talks that take place later in the GDC week. So if you have a discipline-focused talk idea, we want to hear it!

Separately, the Monday and Tuesday content at GDC 2020, previously known as “Summits”, “Tutorials,” “Bootcamps” and “Dev Days,” are also getting a clarifying name change. All Monday/Tuesday content will now be simply called Summits, and there will be more than 20 Summits to choose from for GDC 2020, including traditional offerings such as the Indie Games Summit and newer programs such as the Machine Learning Summit. The Summits will be open for submissions starting August 29th through September 30th, 2019.  

Those looking to submit Core content should first review the submission guidelines and track topics prior to submitting. They should also know that the submission process is divided into a three-phase system:

●    Phase I - open call for submissions and initial advisory board review
●    Phase II - submission declines or conditional Phase 2 acceptances sent, pending the submission of additional requested materials for advisory board review
●    Phase III - review of Phase 2 resubmissions and final acceptances and declines sent

The GDC Advisory Board will review and determine submissions based on the criteria of concept, depth, organization, credentials and takeaway.

GDC organizers aim to achieve diversity of voice, experience and perspective. When considering who would be best to speak on behalf of your company or department, it is strongly encouraged to take this goal into consideration.

For more details on the submission process or GDC 2020 in general visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook or Twitter.

Plus, the GDC Vault website offers access to a wide variety of free GDC 2019 slides & session videos, and GDC All Access Pass holders and individual Vault subscribers get access to hundreds of video sessions from this and previous GDC events.


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