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Only six days left to register for GDC Masterclass!

As the deadline draws nearer and nearer, the GDC organizers would like to remind you that registration for the first-ever Masterclass program will be ending on November 30th at 11:59PM PST.

That means you have six days to peruse our fine selection of classes and sign up for a day-long course that will boost your game development career.

If you haven't had a chance to review our courses yet, here's a quick rundown of what's still available:

Derek Lieu is teaching a course on making better game trailers.

UX expert Celia Hodent is leading a session on psychology and UX design.

Startup wizard Jason Della Rocca wants to help you improve your pitch.

And veteran game writer Susan O'Connor will her run her class on bringing story and gameplay together in the game-making process.

Our GDC instructors have been so eager to teach students that they went and answered some short Q&As for us that have useful information for game developers of all stripes. You can catch up on them to help you decide if a GDC Masterclass is right for you!

If you're thinking about signing up for these classes, don't delay! Seats are available on a first-come first-serve basis, and may fill up soon. You can begin your registration here.

For more information on the GDC Masterclass program, be sure to visit our website or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


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