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Make it a fabulous fourth day of GDC 2021

We’ve made it to the fourth day of the all-digital 2021 Game Developers Conference! If you’re like us, and are a bit tired from last night’s award ceremony, we’ve got a quick selection of talks ready to help you structure your Thursday.

Today’s sessions come to us with a bit of support from Amazon Web Services Game Tech, another of our fine Developer Keynote (DevNote) sponsors. The team from Amazon Web Services will be hosting a DevNote session today, along with a number of sessions to help you use their backend technology to help your game function online.

It’s going to be a great day—take a gander at the talks below and get it kicked off right!

Finji’s Adam Saltsman will be chatting with the makers of Bugsnax starting at 8:30AM PST

Amazon Web Services’ DevNote session will kick off at 11:50AM PST.

At 11:50AM PST, Actor Geena Davis (yep, that one) and NYU Game Center’s Mitu Khandaker will be discussing the Geena Davis Institute’s groundbreaking study on portrayals and representations of masculinity in games.

At 4:20PM PST, Capcom’s Hitoshi Mishima, Tomonori Takano, Morimasa Sato, and Yixiong Gong will discuss the approach for creating the terrifying Resident Evil Village.

And at 5PM PST, musician Matt, TheBanjoPlayer will take the GDC Main Stage for another amazing live performance to close out your day!

You can see more great sessions from today’s show on the full GDC schedule. And don’t forget, if you missed a talk earlier in the week, most of them should be available on demand for viewing now!

For more details on GDC 2021 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.

Gamasutra and GDC are sibling organizations under Informa Tech


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